unitrunker user ID

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Dec 19, 2002
Las Vegas
I have a question about priority settings on a user ID.
I see under the [find] ->[user] menu that you can select wherther or not to listen to a radio, and to set a priority for the user the user. It doesn't seem to matter what these are set at. I tried setting a dispatch radio as listen: [NO] and I still hear the radio.
Also I wonder what the priority setting is for. If I set the priority of a radio to say 5 for a medivac helicopter, does that mean that the radio will trump any talkgroup set to a higher priority and tune my voice radio to listen to this user?

thanks BJ


Feb 24, 2001
Hi BJ;

Listen, Priority and Lockout Explained

Each time a call is announced over the control channel - the target of that call - which may be a group or radio id - is examined. There are three things the [L]isten logic considers to determine the next call for listening ...

  • target's listening rank or priority (a number),
  • target's Listen flag as Yes or No,
  • target's Lockout flag as Yes or No

The program should also consider the listen/lockout/priority of the source radio ID but currently does not.

On the [L]isten panel, your options are ...

  • Listen as Yes or Ignore,
  • Priority Threshold as some number 1 to 99, or Ignore.
  • Lockout as No or Ignore.

To be clear we need to make a distinction between the target's Listen flag and the [L]isten option's Listen flag. Likewise for target's lockout and target's priority vs. Listen option's lockout and listen option's priority threshold settings.

A call is evaluated as a candidate (a "listen worthy" call) if the following is true:

  • The channel has a frequency associated with it (eg. not blank or zero).
  • ... AND ... the target's Listen flag is set to true or the [L]isten option's Listen flag is set to [ignore]
  • ... AND ... the target's Priority is less than or equal to the [L]isten option's Priority threshold OR the threshold is set to [ignore]
  • ... AND ... the target's Lockout flag is set to false or the [L]isten option's Lockout flag is set to [ignore].

If a call passes this criteria ... there is one final consideration before the radio can be tuned to the call. Is the voice radio currently assigned to a call and, if so, is the priority of this new call numerically less than the currently monitored call?

If the voice radio is parked or the new call out-ranks the current call, the radio is tuned to the new call.

Clearly, what is missing is inclusion of the source radio ID's listening, priority, and lockout values. Once that logic is in place, you would be able to exclude listening to a specific radio (like that dispatcher with the droning, nasally voice) by:

  • Set the radio ID's Lockout flag to Yes.
  • Set the [L]isten options Lockout setting to [No] (as opposed to "Ignore") meaning you want to hear calls for groups / user ids with Lockout=No.


Dec 19, 2002
We should sticky this post and/or create a sub-forum for UT user guides. This very good info...


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Liverdog said:
We should sticky this post and/or create a sub-forum for UT user guides. This very good info...
Or (more properly) Rick should edit the UniTrunker page in the Wiki by adding this.


Dec 19, 2002
Las Vegas
loumaag said:
Or (more properly) Rick should edit the UniTrunker page in the Wiki by adding this.
Maybe in the future this could be added to the wiki. I don't think this is a feature that has been implemented yet.
Unitrunker said:
Once that logic is in place
Right now, I seem to be keeping everybody busy with tech support!!!:lol:
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