Then Probaly training
Hard to say
As I live in Cali now
But I Lived in GA as a youth
Tifton, Columbus and even Marietta at one Point LOL
SO Yeah I'd Say Probaly Army, NAt Guard
Or the VA
Maybe even DEA
A LOT if Potheads out there and Of course woods
Places for MEthlabs to hide Etc...
And if there are ANY federal Buildings, Courts Etc
then could be Federal Protective Service
You it be ANYBODY
May evn the Postal Folks
Record it
and Be Patient
Certain Terms, Words Etc
Locations NOT adresses but like
Rover 1 needed in WIng 3
Probaly a Fed Prison Jail Etc
Get it ???
Sorry too ramble
But AMjust trying to be Clear LOL
Oh and Remeber PAtience