Updated Utility Station Lists?

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Feb 28, 2007
I was searching the forums and Google and was wondering, what lists or forums that you use for utility stations. I looked at dxworld and milaircomms.com but I hear at least with milaircomms that the stuff is outdated. I don't seem to find a lot of websites that appear to be updated a lot. Also, does anyone know if there are websites to hear military or utility stations online? I am curious for the heck of it, in case I wanna listen when I am in my house and can't because of all the noise inside and outside my house.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Red you're going to have to be a bit more specific in what you're looking for. Our Utility monitoring wiki has several links for things like the HF-GCS system (which is used by all US services), HFDL aero stuff and more. You're quite right, milaircomms is full of junk that's so out of date it's ridiculous - of course, the webmaster might still be in jail, so that might also play a role. :.>>

In addition, subscribing to the appropriate mailing lists such as the Utility DXers forum will also help keep you informed as to what has been active. That also includes the blogs Bucko mentioned.

73s Mike
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Feb 28, 2007

I want federal stuff, like the FBI network is that is still actually used or not, and all kinds of military stuff. I like to listen to government stuff basically.

Why did he go to jail? Listing prohibited frequencies or something?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
There are some very rare reports that the FBI uses an ALE based network; there's also the SHARES network which is much more often reported - especially after major disasters - and I understand they have a net that is tested at least once a week. Then there's the COTHEN network, for which there's a dedicated Yahoo group. Again keep your eyes on the Utility DXers Forum on Yahoo - do some well constructed searches from the group's home page and see what develops. Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses the COTHEN network, and other agencies, too.

I know the wiki has links for ICE, and ALE networks. The SHARES nets can be found in the Hurricane lists from Hugh Stegman. Just click on the 'Utility Monitoring' text in the previous message. Between that, the 2 blogs mentioned earlier and the UDXF, you should be able to build a good start on monitoring the Feds on HF. I'd also read the wiki article on monitoring the military - there's a link there for a basic propagation website that you should read. Understanding propagation on HF is a key to being successful in finding what you look for - no matter what the indivdiual topic - on HF.

As I recall, George F was sent to jail for selling XBoxes he never delivered. I don't know whether he has since gotten out; prior to this I tried sending him EMails with data to update his site but he never responded.

73s Mike
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