OK so I've done some more observations of my setup and think I am onto something.
First of all I am using the one dongle setup: 1R/FMP24. I have dropped my gain to 30 and adjusted my PPM to get close to zero tuning correction on the CC. Notice the bold that's on the CC.
I notice when the radio tunes around to the various VC/slots there is lots of correction going on. The FMP24 screen shot is from an older DVB DAB dongle. My best dongle is a Thumbsat but but had a broken antenna, I have since fixed that and switched to the Thumbsat.
I get much better result now but when tuning the CC but when the various VC/slots tune the tuning deviation is still quit large on some channels. Values go from +20Hz on the CC to +300 to +400Hz on voice channels. Earlier I thought I was seeing larger deviation around +700Hz on VC?
This system is mostly encrypted and this is one of the nights the few clear TG's are off air, go figure.
I have a few days off for Remembrance Day so I will continue to play. I'm going to switch back (been a while) to a two dongle setup. The DVB TAB will be used for CC tuning then the Thumbsat for VC tuning. I have a V3 (1 PPM) on way to replace the DVB DAB. I should be able to observe the CC tuner and keep it close to zero until I get better v3 dongle.
I just kind of wonder if the Harris systems are not a tight as the Moto systems. BTW the bandwidth of the system is 2.25MHz between the channels on the system so not out of range for a 1R setup.
Thanks, will update in a few days.