Hey there TB, Ken is hookin' you up with the right stuff above. The 4'er will be substantially better for VHF and below down to around 27-30mhz (10 & 11 Meter Bands which include CB). On VHF the 4'er is the same length as a 5/8-3/4wave antenna for these frequencies (144-170mhz) or thereabouts. Then decreasing in efficiency as you decrease in frequency from VHF. At 27-30mhz, you're down to around what would be a 1/8 wavelength here. Pretty much any verticle antenna design which drops much below 1/4 wavelength and you lose all of the gain factor.
And this ( have a tuned antenna with gain) of course is only critical for transmitting. Receiving-only is a more passive energy function. The Valor you're looking at is claiming 30 mhz - 1.2 ghz. range. It looks like a typical helical wound 4 foot ant. except without any tuned circuit for a specific freq. range although it chances to look just like pretty much any brand of 4' helical wound mobile CB ant. such as a "4 foot Firestick".
Very decent antenna (the Valor) with a magnet base for $25. So if your scanner covers those top to bottom freqs. and you definately want to be able to scan this 30-1.2ghz range and have a good chance of receiving decent signals throughout, then this Valor is a good or great choice for the bucks.
good luck