154.190/154.220 Ramsey county fire east and west
154.785/151.295 Dakota county fire east and west
154.310 St louis park fire
154.415 Edina fire
151.280 Minnetonka fire.. Page outs then they go to one of the city common talkgroups
154.040 Hopkins fire
154.100 Carver county fire
154.205 Richfield fire. Page only for callbacks
154.295 Statewide fire
46.480 Eden pairie fire
155.340 Statewide ems
155.400 Aircare some traffic still on tis freq. Most on Apco
155.475 MINSEF
155.370 Point to point MIMS
154.280 Anoka county fire
154.145 Scott county fire
154.070 Bloomington fire
154.845/155.190 Washington county fire north/south
154.250 Golden vallley fire
155.880 White bear lake fire
154.175 Sherburn county fire
154.325 Wright county fire