I would have chimed in earlier but it's been a busy time for me work wise-
All talkgroups used by the Victoria Police in metropolitan Melbourne are using crypto full time.
Last time I looked there are around 200 talkgroups available on MMR for Police use.
When the network took over from analogue, the 468Mhz allocation was re-farmed into 12.5khz channels and are exclusively available to the Police ie: they have their own use of those channels allocated by the trunking controller.
The control channels are common to all services- currently Metro Fire Brigade and Ambulance services along with the Police. Thankfully both the Fire and Ambulance talkgroups are not encrypted- allowing a digital scanner to decode the activity.
For those not familiar with MMR- it is a Phase I P25 digital trunked network (SYSID 0164h) primarily residing in the permanently borrowed 420-430Mhz 70cm band. Many voice channels also reside in the 467.8-469.425Mhz band as described earlier. The old MFESB analogue channels around 465-467Mhz are also used as part of the system.
There are literally dozens of sites- many sharing tower space with cellular telephony and there are a number of receive only sites around to fill in black spots.
www.vicscan.org has the best information on the network with contributions from some hard working monitors who really did a great job of sorting out the network as it became a working concern.
I monitor the goings of the fire and ambulance using Uniden 396T and 996T with a Radioshack PRO96 thrown in for it's superior P25 audio.