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vrs-750 duplex settings

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Jun 19, 2008
Has anyone put a vrs750 repeater in a duplex setting , I have set the vrs to duplex hooked back up to spectra and it disables any programing,Not sure if i have to get my radio flashed ?


Mar 6, 2002
Auburn Hills, Michigan
What you are saying doesn't make a lot of sense.

Are you using a regular spectra or Astro Spectra?

Second, what do you mean by "duplex"? The VRS only acts as an extender, it only has one radio inside of it, meaning it cannot act as a standalone repeater. These are typically used as a cross-band repeater.

Either way, your barely two-lines question leaves a lot more questions unanswered about your setup.


Jun 19, 2008
Hi Josh
Thanks for the reply, Yes i have astro spectra with the vrs the system works great ,I am not wanting to turn the vrs into a repeater not possible ,In the service manual it is posible to set up the vrs with diferent tx and rx freqs but they dont give a lot of info ,I need to be able to cross band vhf to a uhf repeater .


Super Secret
Aug 16, 2005
Middlesex County
You need the VRS-EP or 750 and the HKN6038B cable to connect the repeater to the astro spectra.
If your spectra is VHF then the repeater has to be UHF.. OR if the radio is UHF then you need to have a VHF VRS, It wont work if you have a VHF radio and VRS.

All the settings are in the CPS for the spectra to change the TX and RX for the VRS. Mine is a VHF spectra and the VRS is UHF and i have a different freq for TX and RX on the VRS. So whenever i transmit on the spectra and have the VRS on it send my tansmissions over to my UHF portable.. and same when i TX on the portable it sends back to the VRS and over the VHF channel.

So it should do what you want it to do already. You dont get alont of range from it thou.. but yeah.. its all in the programming in the astro cps.. maybe you dont have a check box checked or something if its not working how ya want it/

Or maybe iv read this all wrong :)


Jun 19, 2008
This is the same setup as i am trying to config i have set the dip switch to seperate tx and rx but cps still shows only one i will keep diging before calling motorola.



Mar 6, 2002
Auburn Hills, Michigan
You can have separate TX/RX PLs, but the repeater itself is going to be simplex and there isn't any way around it.

When you have multiple repeaters out on a scene, they all "listen" for each other on their common frequency and allow only the last one on scene to repeat, that way there aren't several VRS' transmitting at the same time.

If the CPS shows only one frequency, then that's all there there will ever be.


Jun 19, 2008
Here is some info from our service manual,The ATE Test Mode configuration is used by Motorola for testing
purposes. Professional CPS Mode is available for when the user
requires the transmit and receive frequencies to differ. Operation
during this mode is not advised and if required please contact your
Motorola sales representative for details about this mode. All other
combinations of the dipswitch are not supported and will default to
the Normal mode.


Jun 19, 2008
Do you have a option for vrs scan this might be were i am missing the info on the cps


Feb 17, 2004
you can not make vrs a stand alone repeater in any way, but you CAN use a uhf astro spectra with a UHF vrs. as long as you separate the freq of the vrs to 403.000 and your spectra is on like 444.45 and the antennas are like vrs in front bumper mount and your spectra is on roof, it will work just fine. same with vhf to vhf. i have used mine for 2 years and works just fine.just have to play with antenna mounting of the vrs antenna. i use 1/4 waveantenna on the side of the hood of my f150 pickup with the 110 watt astro spectra antenna on roof with hi gain antenna.


Sep 11, 2002
if your really ambitious you can "edit" the VRS codeplug directly. this requires setting up the pro series software to recognise the VRS "750" and then you can edit the freq to your hearts content.

this will allow you to have for example 451.0000 as the mobile to port freq and 455.0000 as the port to moblie. Needless to say this wil not be duplex but thats not what you want anyway.

BTW while your using the proseries CPS you may wahts to retune the portable tx and rx info (look at the squelch setting)
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