I had purchased a GRE PSR500 back around 2012 when it was in it's prime. Well money got tight and it took it to a pawn shop about 30 miles from where I live. Being the forgetful one that have been, I didn't make the payments and lost it. Fast forward to today, I was in that same pawn shop and they still had it on display. Now mind you I have been in and out of that shop for many years there after. Even bought a few things but never saw that unit until today. While I am negotiating with the owner about a price I powered the unit up and what was on the display? My NAME. I was shocked. I told him that at some point I had owned that scanner. I showed him the name on the display and then on my DL. He looked it up in his system and there it was big as day. I apologized over and over and told him I wanted to make it right. He told me a price that was below what he gave me for it in 2014. I asked what I could do to make it right. He then gave me a price below what he had originally offered me. I bought it back. Yes he lost money and I told him I didn't think it was fair to him but he said, "It's all good". I will continue to buy things from him for that reason. But the moral of the story, I got my scanner back and it still works great. Even the rechargeable batteries. My stable is growing by leaps and bounds.