We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe

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Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
I'm not buying into any conspiracies...yet. I was not concerned or all freaked out over early generation cellphones, not even at 3 watts, 2.4/5GB WiFi warnings. So far they seem to be unfounded. I thought and still do think all the concerns over the the Smart Electric Meters were without basis. However I'm not so quick to laugh off the possible ill effects of 5G. I won't pretend to know much about it good or bad. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


An Awesome Dude
Aug 8, 2009
Not safe at all......... 24-39Ghz is not good to be near at high strength!!


An Awesome Dude
Aug 8, 2009
Yes but if your near someone using one thats using that range Im wondering if it could cause an issue??

Its all quite worrying.......


Premium Subscriber
Aug 17, 2010
milliwatts for the subscriber unit, which is not enough power density to even reach you. most of the mm wave stuff will be used for backhaul between sites and fixed wireless to buildings since it will have zero building penetration. BTW I recently setup a ptp microwave shot on the test bench and could kill the signal with just a couple reams of paper placed between the emitters. and this was on 6 ghz at about half a watt with the emitters foot apart. Believe what the conspiracy theorist sites say if you want, I've had nearly 30 years of RF experience which has exposed me to far far far higher levels of RF than you will ever see and yet I've never exceeded allowable limits for short term exposure which are way higher than the levels allowed for the general public.

Well except the time I unscrewed the jumper from the combiner of a live trunk system that was in failsoft mode and sent a jolt thru my thumb that literally burnt a hole thru it but that was also about 1200 watts at 800 mhz...…...


An Awesome Dude
Aug 8, 2009
Well thats good to know my friend...... Thank you for all that :)


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Except for maybe the lenses in your eyes, even moderately high power at those frequencies is not that dangerous because it doesn't penetrate much past the skin. You would feel uncomfortable heat or a sting on the skin and react to it before any damage is done. And the damage is heating, no magic disease or any effects like ionizing radiation you would have like from snuggling up to some Plutonium.

There are RF weapons to keep crowds at bay consisting of about a 5ft dish and 100kW of power at 95GHz that is focused into a very narrow beam due to the high antenna gain at that frequency. They demonstrate these now and then with volunteers, who feel the heat up to 100m away and run from it. There are no lingering effects and not even with the eyes.

When I worked at Hughes Aircraft (now Raytheon) in the 80s there was a group in my building that built and tested Gyrotron tubes, probably what is the heart of the ADS system. Even back then they were generating mind boggling power levels at mm wave frequencies and they had to test late at night for a couple of reasons. One was so they could get enough power routed to the building to run the tests and the other was from X-rays generated somewhere in the system. We would get announcements to remove any unexposed photographic film from the building on the nights they were testing.

Not safe at all......... 24-39Ghz is not good to be near at high strength!!


An Awesome Dude
Aug 8, 2009
Thank you........... It all seems scary because I have read bad stuff about 5G,alot of people dont like it.....

Then I read about 24-39Ghz ..... My question is why use this range if there is a chance of hurting someone??

5G also has lower tiers.... 850Mhz and I think that range is safe...... I dunno


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
24-39GHz is a lot safer than 850MHz. At the same RF level at your body 24-39GHz will barely penetrate the skin where 850MHz will penetrate and heat internal organs. Many microwave ovens operate around 915Mhz.

Thank you........... It all seems scary because I have read bad stuff about 5G,alot of people dont like it.....

Then I read about 24-39Ghz ..... My question is why use this range if there is a chance of hurting someone??

5G also has lower tiers.... 850Mhz and I think that range is safe...... I dunno
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