What did I do wrong?

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Nov 11, 2006
This is the system I'm trying to program in a pro 94 And in Software for upload to a pro 96.
I used to listen to the first 5 channels in the list. And it trunked fine. But I only heard cops.
No fire ems or the like.

Now I added the rest of the channels and can't recieve jack?????

I removed (locked out) the last three channels and still don't hear anything.

Does anyone have a clue cause I sure need one. LOL


Jul 4, 2002
Akron, Ohio

I think you need to have all freqs in the scanner and in LCN order starting at channel 1 ,
do not lock out any freqs and you should be ok. I have made a Pro 96 file for the county you are interested in. If you want it PM me.

Good luck

Vince S


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
Welcome to the forum mrjeep.

We travel through at least once a year and often spend the night at the Kentucky State Horse Park in our RV. I have Scott EDACS in my V-Scanner for 2 2096's & a 96. Also have an ARC file for BC785D. As I recall, everything worked ok.

Attach your file for review of possible errors.

Edit: I just noticed that my V-Scanner file has 8 conventional freqs with ct's for Scott county. It could be I was hearing file/sheriff on these.
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a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
Welcome to rr.com mr. jeep.... the Scott County TRS is a headache about half the time..... you will hear most of your activity on the first five freqs listed for the TRS but you will hear more fire/EMS on the conventional freqs.... If you have the entire system programmed into your 94 you might want to add a convetnional freq (I have 154.340/127.3) between the two sets of five freqs... They have had trouble for the past year or so and the solution has been to keep both sets of radios in the vehicles, most of the dispatching, especially fire, will be on the conventional freqs.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
unitcharlie said:
Welcome to rr.com mr. jeep.... the Scott County TRS is a headache about half the time..... you will hear most of your activity on the first five freqs listed for the TRS but you will hear more fire/EMS on the conventional freqs.... If you have the entire system programmed into your 94 you might want to add a convetnional freq (I have 154.340/127.3) between the two sets of five freqs... They have had trouble for the past year or so and the solution has been to keep both sets of radios in the vehicles, most of the dispatching, especially fire, will be on the conventional freqs.
Not to hijack, but are you saying the system linked is not a 12 channel EDACS system as listed in the DB? Your post seems to indicate that it is two 5 channel Motorola systems (since you can't separate LCN's in an EDACS.)


Nov 11, 2006
And I thought I was in the middle of Egypt. I'm impressed with the quick response. I'm all game for files that would work with Win 96. The pro 96 belongs to my father in Louisville and I bought him the Win 96 and cable to program cause he's clueless and I almost clueless. (the tunnel vision leading the blind) LOL

I was gonna program all the things in the Louisville area for him. He only wants to listen to city (division 1 stuff mostly) But in times of disaster I think he should have A LOT more stuff to tune in to. (even like LG&E, City PW) (river authority? New Albany? ) (State Police) He's got a lot of channels, might as well fill em up.

If anyone has files for the Louisville/Clarksville/Jefferson County. I would be grateful for the help in sensible layout and speed of programming for the Pro-96.

I can be emailed at my user name + @att.net

Now to my Pro 94 issue: Do I put all 12 channels in? Are they listed in LCN order? How does one know what the LCN is? (for a different system say) How long should it take the scanner to search out the control channel?

I lock out the last three (ones not in red) And woke this morning to an EMS call. <insert dancing banana> Yea! ( I learned? Nah Just a guess!) LOL

Are the last three Fire, or unused?


Nov 11, 2006
loumaag said:
Not to hijack, but are you saying the system linked is not a 12 channel EDACS system as listed in the DB? Your post seems to indicate that it is two 5 channel Motorola systems (since you can't separate LCN's in an EDACS.)

That was flight 509 flyin high over my head. LOL

BTW Hijack all you want cause it's all good reading!

But I have listened to the first 5 channels only and recieved only police. Now Ive added the next 4 and now have police and EMS calls. ???? ???? ????

I have heard for my EMS buddy they have had HOOGE problems wiht the new system. I do have all the old freqs still in. But i haven't heard an EMS enroute to hospital call in forever. I like to listen to patient reports. Where are the helicopters these days? Life flight, UK and St joes?


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
loumaag said:
Your post seems to indicate that it is two 5 channel Motorola systems (since you can't separate LCN's in an EDACS.)

lou: sit down before you read this.... it is an EDACS system with two control channels.... one set of freqs operates from a tower in downtown Georgetown (central part of the county) the other set is on a tower in Sadieville (the northern part of the county). One day when I was frustrated at not hearing anything I just started playing around and decided to split the two sets of freqs according to the different control channel sounds (not too scientific, but worked). It kinda acts like two systems with dispatch splitting the two sub sets of freqs.... don't ask me why it worked but it did so I am not complaining.... there has been the rumored addition of a third tower in Stamping Ground--yes buffalo once stomped there (western part of the county) but still waiting for that blessing....

mrjeep said:
Now to my Pro 94 issue: Do I put all 12 channels in? Are they listed in LCN order? How does one know what the LCN is? (for a different system say) How long should it take the scanner to search out the control channel?
I lock out the last three (ones not in red) And woke this morning to an EMS call. <insert dancing banana> Yea! ( I learned? Nah Just a guess!) LOL
Are the last three Fire, or unused?

jeep: the easy answer is yes. This is the way I have them in my 96 and it works most of the time:
scott*trs c1 856.71250
scott*trs c2 857.71250
scott*trs c3 858.71250
scott*trs c4 859.71250
scott*trs c5 860.71250
scott fd 154.34000 127.3PL
scott*trsc1a 857.96250
scott*trsc2a 858.96250
scott*trsc3a 859.96250
scott*trsc4a 860.96250
scott trs 858.46250
scott trs 859.46250
scott trs 860.98750
scott ems 151.02500 156.7PL
gtown fd 154.16000 156.7PL
scott so #1 154.75500 156.7PL
I haven't monitored control channel info on the last three EDACS freqs but have monitored transmissions on them... don't know if that is where they belong or not.... just happy to hear anything... the placement of the conventional freqs is arbitrary based upon my old listing....

These are the medevac chopper company freqs in the area:
lifenet 155.20500 71.9PL
uk cntrl/phi 155.40000 77.0PL
med flt*/phi 155.28000 151.4PL
phi*ky opns 159.49500 151.4PL

If you have any troubles or questions send me an email....


Mar 12, 2004
... it is an EDACS system with two control channels.... one set of freqs operates from a tower in downtown Georgetown (central part of the county) the other set is on a tower in Sadieville (the northern part of the county).

Interesting and challenging.
What freqs. do the 2 CCs use? My guess is that one CC uses one of the first 5 freqs. and the other CC uses one of the next 4 freqs. ... And perhaps those 2 "systems" share the last 3 freqs.

Idle thoughts. This could be a case where 2 EDACS systems are in the same bank. I don't think there is a rule that says a "system" MUST start in channel 01, is there?
Perhaps the Scott county "systems" are:
#1 - Channels 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 10, 11 & 12
#2 - Channels 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 & 12.

It would be interesting to put those 2 sets of freqs. in separate banks and see what you hear. (Using the LCN & Freqs. in the RR database)


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
I think I will try that... it is slow so I can afford to move things around a little bit.... the freqs are divided by their control channel--the first set is trs 1 thru trs 5 the second set is trs 1a thru trs 4a.... in the second set the cc is usually trs 1a, in the first set the freqs move about.... I'll give the two bank thing a whirl and see if it makes monitoring any easier..... they've just had so many problems with the system it is a headache for scannists AND users.....


Nov 11, 2006
FWIW I'm listening to the first 9 channels in the same bank. And receive police and ems calls.

If it's got 2 CC how come they don't have to be in separate banks?

BTW Hello to all, I appreciate the help in figuring this all out.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
In the 94 they have to be in separate banks. That scanner doesn't work like the 96. Try and see if it works. And you have to put them in the LCN that is posted on RR. The 94 needs all the frequencies programmed. It doesn't do CC for tt an EDACS or MOTOROLA.

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Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
unitcharlie said:
lou: sit down before you read this.... it is an EDACS system with two control channels.... one set of freqs operates from a tower in downtown Georgetown (central part of the county) the other set is on a tower in Sadieville (the northern part of the county).
:lol: I always type and read from the computer while sitting.

Okay then, lets get the system straight. If indeed it is two simultaneous CCh's with associated frequencies then it is two sites and the DB should reflect that. The fact that you can put them both in the same bank is (or is not) wholly dependent on LCN use. For EDACS as long as there is no LCN overlap (or in the case of overlap the frequencies are the same on the same LCN) then they can go in the same bank of any scanner (including the 94). The difference on how it will operate is based on if the scanner design will lock on the CCh and then (after scanning for a period of time) move on to the next CCh or if it will move on to the next bank. All Uniden based scanners use the latter, that is on to the next bank (or system for dynamic memory (not applicable to site based TRS types like the 996 or 15)) so although you can put two such sites in a Pro-94, it will not scan both of them; it will in the Pro-95, Pro-96., etc. The choice of how to program a system must be left up to the individual scanner user depending on their particular scanner.

As for the DB entry, the only multi-site EDACS systems that should have only one entry are those that use simulcasting on all sites, such as the four site Mongomery Co., TX system. The RACOM system is an example of a system that can have some sites combined, indeed the RACOM system can be whittled down to 19 banks (or systems) and cover the entire system. So, it sounds as if the system (based on what I read here in this thread) needs to be corrected in the DB to reflect that it is a two site system with the appropriate LCNs, something like what DickH put I would guess, but that needs verification.


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
lou and all:
The system is set up so all freqs are on both towers (hence the root of their trouble?).... The bulk of all traffic is on the first five freqs (scott*trs c1 856.71250/scott*trs c2 857.71250/scott*trs c3 858.71250/scott*trs c4/859.71250/scott*trs c5 860.71250), probably on the Georgetown Tower.... there usually isn't enough traffic to figure out the finer points, especially since in the past year or so they have reverted to dispatching on the older VHF system that the EDACS was supposed to replace.... Sheriff's Deputies use the Road Department freq as their talk around...

I have the TRS split between two banks and will try to do discern a more user friendly way of entering the system in the data base by trying to listen over the next few days.... At this point however; because both towers have all freqs and the both towers are switchable from the field AND dispatch (“Go to the Sadieville Tower...”/ “...are you on Sadieville?”) and both towers have both control channels it isn't easy reading this entire system.

Georgetown PD appears to operate exclusively on the Georgetown Tower; Sheriff, EMS and both Fire Departments operate on either tower but primarily on the Georgetown Tower unless they are in the extreme northern part of the county.... Fire is usually dispatched on VHF; I seldom hear EMS on either the TRS or VHS unless I am in Scott County.... they make patient reports to Lexington Hospitals (the next county south, Level One Trauma Center/ Cardiac Medical Center, etc) using the Lexington Public Safety TRS.....

Since there have been no overt problems, save the universal lack of reception, the system was left pretty much alone. I was not aware of the programming problem with the PRO 94 because I have been a PRO 92/95/96/97 user....

Currently, I have the Scott TRS entered in two banks, split by control channel with all the talkgroups in both banks to see what comes up per Dick’s suggestion, will then make changes to the database if I can figure out what to change. Early last year one of our members gave the warning that the switch to the old VHF system was coming; off line discussions with others indicated problems with the system, most notably coverage and reliability which included discussions about erecting the Stamping Ground tower and co-locating on one of Lexington's towers... I have been monitoring this system, ironically originally intended for Georgetown Police and Fire, with consternation for three years since it went on line and am as confused now as the day I started.


a Kentucky DB Admin...
Jan 2, 2003
on the road to Nonesuch, Ky...
New info on Scott TRS:

It is a simulcast system with both towers sporting all 12 freqs, simulcast is on different freqs within the mix on the different towers... Georgetown has five Primaries, Sadieville has four... rr.com db has been modified to show this. In the split bank experiment suggested by DickH I receive the system equally well on the scanner with the system programmed into one bank and the scanner with the system split between two banks. Further study continues with this quizzical system....
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