lou and all:
The system is set up so all freqs are on both towers (hence the root of their trouble?).... The bulk of all traffic is on the first five freqs (scott*trs c1 856.71250/scott*trs c2 857.71250/scott*trs c3 858.71250/scott*trs c4/859.71250/scott*trs c5 860.71250), probably on the Georgetown Tower.... there usually isn't enough traffic to figure out the finer points, especially since in the past year or so they have reverted to dispatching on the older VHF system that the EDACS was supposed to replace.... Sheriff's Deputies use the Road Department freq as their talk around...
I have the TRS split between two banks and will try to do discern a more user friendly way of entering the system in the data base by trying to listen over the next few days.... At this point however; because both towers have all freqs and the both towers are switchable from the field AND dispatch (“Go to the Sadieville Tower...”/ “...are you on Sadieville?”) and both towers have both control channels it isn't easy reading this entire system.
Georgetown PD appears to operate exclusively on the Georgetown Tower; Sheriff, EMS and both Fire Departments operate on either tower but primarily on the Georgetown Tower unless they are in the extreme northern part of the county.... Fire is usually dispatched on VHF; I seldom hear EMS on either the TRS or VHS unless I am in Scott County.... they make patient reports to Lexington Hospitals (the next county south, Level One Trauma Center/ Cardiac Medical Center, etc) using the Lexington Public Safety TRS.....
Since there have been no overt problems, save the universal lack of reception, the system was left pretty much alone. I was not aware of the programming problem with the PRO 94 because I have been a PRO 92/95/96/97 user....
Currently, I have the Scott TRS entered in two banks, split by control channel with all the talkgroups in both banks to see what comes up per Dick’s suggestion, will then make changes to the database if I can figure out what to change. Early last year one of our members gave the warning that the switch to the old VHF system was coming; off line discussions with others indicated problems with the system, most notably coverage and reliability which included discussions about erecting the Stamping Ground tower and co-locating on one of Lexington's towers... I have been monitoring this system, ironically originally intended for Georgetown Police and Fire, with consternation for three years since it went on line and am as confused now as the day I started.