Honestly, If you still want to listen to AM, FM, and CDs, just get a normal radio with CD player for your dash and then get a regular mobile scanner. Since it sounds like you dont have the greatest car in the world, you probably dont care about making a couple screw holes to mount a mobile unit. That being said, you may want to check out ebay, there are thousands of scanners for sale on ebay and you can get some pretty good deals. Another place to check out might be some pawn shops. Since you dont need digital or trunking, you should be able to get a decent scanner for well under $100, if you dont want 800-900 mhz, you might even be able to find one for $50 or less. I know you can get a halfway decent radio with CD player for under $100, so it would probably even be cheaper to do it this way, and you would still have a CD player.