Hi i have read alot of forums but i'm curious on what a good scanner and how i can get one programmed to be used in Saskatchewan, Canada. I currently have a PSR-500 and have zero luck with it. Many of these scanners are programmed with USA frequencies and maybe i dont have a PHD to figure out how to program it and make it work in Canada
Please note I am not sure if the PSR 500 has this ability or not I'm just taking a wild shot here but follow the instructions below.
I believe this for the 400MHz area of Canadas band plan. I don't know if this will help or not. Just read Franks post yes they are usa vfolders.
PSR-500 is like the Pro 106 pretty much. You can switch the band plan to Canada by
1.)Press PGM key
2.)Press the FUNC Key
3.)Press the F3 Key this will get you into expert settings
4.) Now press the down arrow key until you see BandPlan
5.)Press the right arrow key to switch it to Canada
6.)Press the F1/Save key