I have a ST2 mounted outside on a regular tubular mast. VHF/UHF at top, and the ST2 mounted below. Antennas in close proximity can see performance changes due to antenna coupling, and about 5' distance between them to avoid this is prefered. Another way to help from coupling is to not use them both in the same polarization. This is my configuration. The VHF/UHF is horizontal and the ST2, vertical. I stated all that to say this. The entire length of the ST2 is vertical to the mast. I was, at first, concerned about the antennas perfomance because of this, so I picked a 800MHz EDACS system 40 miles away, and placed the mast directly in it's path. Reception to this system was clear and uninterrupted. I then rotated the ST2 180 degrees, pointing it directly at that same system. I saw no change in signal level, or quality of transmission. It is truly performing, even with a metal tubular mast, about as omnidirectional as I could ask.
When it comes to antenna systems outside of your structure, I highly recommend that you use NEC &/or UL approved equipment and recommendations for installations for numerous reasons.
Hope this helps answer your question, and best of luck.