Dupage Co. EMA vs ETSB
Norm Sturm, director of the office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, has requested radios that would enable his department to keep an ear on police and fire departments’ activities as they respond to an event.
The ETSB chairman is against the plan, however. Pat O’Shea, who also is vice chairman of the County Board, called the matter a policy issue and said the equipment would cost “tens of thousands of dollars.” The ETSB, a separate body from the main county government, operates on 911 surcharge fees.
“There’s an impact to the county,” said O’Shea, who also submitted that professional public safety personnel should be put in place to oversee the OEM.
Although Sturm noted that grant funds could cover the cost, the chairman stood firm.
“To give you $6,000 portable radios so you can run around listening to police calls is not something I would support,” he said.
LMAO at the infighting between the Dupage Co. public safety prima donnas. Somebody needs to collect the expensive toys from the children and put them away in the toy box.