When Uniden builds a HP-2 please put in a decoader chip for CTCSS and DCS, thats what I am waiting for, then I am off to buy a couple of them, thanks for the consideration.
Tone decode is part of new software release for HP-1.
i did the free upgrade,i notice it shows the p,l,only once in a while,,any?
CTCSS, DCS, NAC decode and search modes are part of the *free* firmware update.
Just for clarification, does the HP-1 decode and display one of the three appropriate tone types (CTCSS, DCS and NAC) while in search mode or do you have to select either CTCSS/DCS or NAC separately as you presently have to do with the 996XT?
Good question Dennis, we need one of the experts to answer this question. I don't own one yet so I need all the help I can get.
If the RadioReference database has a tone entered then it should be passed on to the Uniden HP-1's master database and the radio should decode only that tone. If none is entered in the database, THEN it should monitor in open/CSQ mode and flash the tone being received.
Hi all,
If the RadioReference database has a tone entered then it should be passed on to the Uniden HP-1's master database and the radio should decode only that tone. If none is entered in the database, THEN it should monitor in open/CSQ mode and flash the tone being received.
The new "Extreme Update" added the decode ability to user-programmed databases (ie; User programmed favorites, searches, etc.). Certainly a much needed and appreciated option. The same feature needs to be applied to the Master HP-1 Database as well. Without the tone decoder, its a glorified "service search" - a feature I have rarely used on any of my scanners.
As mentioned, if the channel has a tone programmed, the HP-1 honors the tone. What could be happening is that a duplicate frequncy is in RRDB for some other purpose with no tone applied. In that case, when the HP-1 scans that frequency, if there is any activity at all on the frequency (tone or no tone), it will stop on the channel. Since no tone is programmed for the frequency in the dB, if a tone is present, the HP-1 flashes that tone to provide feedback to the user that either the dB is in need of update, or that they might be hearing a channel other than the one displayed (i.e. one that uses a tone).
He's asking for the HP to search through it's database and find the exact match for that frequency/tone combination, but what if there is more than one?
It do not think it searches its own database, it just scans it and uses that info to set the VCO.
So it will stop on the first channel it passes if it has a signal level above the squelch threshold or a matching tone. In the OPs case, if it scans the duplicate entry that has no tone data entered first, that is the channel that will be heard.