For listening, I've only found the Chitina VFD freqs: 154.160 & 154.355
It doesn't hurt to also keep the Statewide Rescue frequencies while in that area, like: 150.775, 155.160, 155.250 & 155.280
You might be able to pick up an ALMR site somewhere in there too.
I've heard dip-netting IS good in that area but I don't know what time of the year is best.
Thanks for the info kikito. Well I just drove all the way to Valdez and skipped Chitna. Since I am still waiting on my cable from GRE I cannot program for ALMR. I had to settle for the marine frequencies. It was still good listening. I wish I had the Coast Guard, they were flying around. And the added bonus, we did pretty good on the pink salmon.