— Given that local comms is the priority for which Citizen Band was envisioned.
An amp ain’t a panacea (is the point).
Putting heads together with other men to first, define, then to, solve, a problem faced by all.
The relative match in RX & TX distance sans
Skip is a goal.
NRC gives one
distance (same as
time), thus an ability that one’s distant conversational partner be able to hear you (is how to look at relative power).
Most radio rigs mobile or stationary have poor performance. That you can pull him in and that he can understand you (especially mobile and at speed) defines success.
Takes little or nothing extra from a well-sorted base. (Field expedient antenna another set of variables). From mobile, it’s a matter of testing (many leave them off or in lowest power output setting).
Had yet another miscreant on AM-19 yesterday bragging about his Amateur gear.
Even gave his call sign so we could go review his videogates.
It’s a few dozen daily regulars (this has to be a paid job) running their
welfare radios extraordinaire to jam up AM-19 in concert with others (and encouraging others to join them).
never have an acceptable excuse for this behavior when confronted. There are 1.5-million CDL holders in this country. 750k of them are 150-miles or more away from home every weeknight.
tens of millions of cars. Family men.
The second part of the job appears to be recording all on-air activity of which they’re a part. Then reviewing and ID’ng all participants as a log.
You listen long enough they give it away inside their inanities (absolutely nothing said, just gum-flapping).
This is in contrast to base operators of years past being a great help in major metros (a few extant, still). Weather, maps, general trends.
Discourage men and they’ll abandon this tool (a tiny investment by the Enemy with a huge payoff; sorta like hijacking a few airliners to damage or bring down major structures as analogy).
An amp has its place.
AM-19 isn’t the hobbyist channel.
At least seven people were killed and many were injured in a massive pileup on Interstate 55 in Louisiana. Authorities blame 'superfog.'
Part, or maybe a significant part of this could have been ameliorated via radio warning.
1-2/miles ain’t enough to avoid entanglement. (Weather doesn’t cause these; it’s secondary to terrifically-bad driving habits).
A base operator could have been of service in this instance instead of covering up what was occurring.
See Citizen Band as being of importance and the rest falls into place.
The day you need it, then . . . .