WS1040: Whistler 1040 programming help

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Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2022
I recently bought a Whistler 1040 digital scanner. It came with a cord to connect to my computer. The information says I would go to and that I would be able to easily download codes for my area. I have not been able to find the correct link that will allow me to do this. Can anyone help me find it? Thanks.


Jan 27, 2003
Northern Ohio
Seebee you need to use software to access the RR database. You use the software to download the RR database and then load the programmed software into the radio. The manual is very poorly written about this. You need to use PSREdit500, ARC500 or WIN500 to program. Each of these software provide you with 30 day free, unrestricted trial period. After 30 days you have to purchase the software. People on this forum have their prejudices about which software package to use. You should try all 3 and see which make more sense for YOU. The interfaces are all different.


MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
Here, 3/4 down is Madison, STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Trunking System, Statewide, Multi-State - Scanner Frequencies
You will see under MODE a D means in the clear, but I see plenty of DE which you cant listen to as its encrypted.

In the top it says for frequencies, that it is Simulcast, those whistlers dont do well with those multiple tower systems unless your close to a tower, the Unidens handle that better. See WS1040/WS1065 vs Simulcast 800
The SDS models are expensive but are designed to work in that situation and do so very well!


There will be someone with the name of tvengr who will be on this guaranteed ;) who likes to program peoples scanners with attached files. Granted you don't learn as much for programming your own from that, but it works.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Poster, you're getting the attention of best here, lots of good advice.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Evansville, Indiana
IMO Seeing someone in here running to every post possible to spoon feed programming for their radios a detriment to this forum. Almost everyone that is spoon fed their programming never return again to the forum, just say thanks and rarely come back. They essentially learn nothing about programming their scanner, how to use the software, how the radio operates, except for turning it on. Basically, nothing learned so there is no reason to ever return and pass on learned knowledge in the future with the software, programming or the radio to someone else. Sure, it is good the person now has something to listen to now, but that is all they have.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
IMO Seeing someone in here running to every post possible to spoon feed programming for their radios a detriment to this forum. Almost everyone that is spoon fed their programming never return again to the forum, just say thanks and rarely come back. They essentially learn nothing about programming their scanner, how to use the software, how the radio operates, except for turning it on. Basically, nothing learned so there is no reason to ever return and pass on learned knowledge in the future with the software, programming or the radio to someone else. Sure, it is good the person now has something to listen to now, but that is all they have.
I totally disagree! To someone first getting started, programming a scanner is a very daunting experience. You would be surprised how many members get back to me saying they had no idea where to start until they saw how it was done. Many of those members are now programming their own scanners. A lot of them get back to me on PM's where I continue to work with them answering questions. If asking for help, i would be insulted if someone told me, "Read the Manual!" I wouldn't want to come back to the forums if I got that kind of response. How many posts do you see where members are just going to throw out their scanners because they are so frustrated? Once they see that the scanner actually works, it encourages them to want to hear more and continue learning about the scanner. The owner's manuals are extremely lacking in information of how to program a scanner. I have never seen one that actually takes you through step by step programming the different types of systems. If I were a novice, I would be very confused by what I read. Extending a little kindness to new members is what will keep them coming back as old members. I don't mind spoon feeding someone to get them started. Once a student sees what information is entered into the software, it becomes much more evident of what has to be done to program a scanner. That can be a big help in the learning process. By the way, I have files for Evansville.
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Evansville, Indiana
You would be surprised how many members get back to me saying they had no idea where to start until they saw how it was done. Many of those members are now programming their own scanners. A lot of them get back to me on PM's where I continue to work with them answering questions.

This alone is exaggerating the issue even more. If this was all done in open forum posts, maybe new members would see it and can get a start on leaning, but since most of it is apparently hid in DM nobody in the open forum sees it and the cycle just continues. Really seems like a salesman or getting a cut from ARC 500 to learn only that way. I have nothing else to say on this topic.


Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
This alone is exaggerating the issue even more. If this was all done in open forum posts, maybe new members would see it and can get a start on leaning, but since most of it is apparently hid in DM nobody in the open forum sees it and the cycle just continues. Really seems like a salesman or getting a cut from ARC 500 to learn only that way. I have nothing else to say on this topic.
First of all, I get absolutely nothing from Butel. I just like using ARC500. The members often PM me with their thanks and continue conversations there. I try to keep my responses in the open forums to benefit other members. I have many different models of scanners and the software to match. I purchased Win500, ProScan, ARC PATROL, and ARC536 just to be able to assist others using that software. I don't even have a HP1 or HP2. I have worked with radio communications and scanners all of my life and I enjoy being able to share my knowledge to help others. That is my only intention! I feel sorry for you if you believe that anyone trying to help others has ulterior motives.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2022
Seebee you need to use software to access the RR database. You use the software to download the RR database and then load the programmed software into the radio. The manual is very poorly written about this. You need to use PSREdit500, ARC500 or WIN500 to program. Each of these software provide you with 30 day free, unrestricted trial period. After 30 days you have to purchase the software. People on this forum have their prejudices about which software package to use. You should try all 3 and see which make more sense for YOU. The interfaces are all different.
Thank you for your reply. I chose PSREdit500. I got as far as choosing the format and I'm not sure which one I need. The choices are ZIP file format , or Setup executible format. I clicked on one of them and it had the box pop up where I would click to install it.


Jan 27, 2003
Northern Ohio
I like PSREdit. The zip file and the .exe file install the same program. If your PC virus checker allows you to download the.exe it is a faster install. With the Zip file you download, then unzip the files and then click on install file where as with the .exe it is one click. The author of PSREdit is a great guy and very responsive to his users.

Once you install the software you can populate the software directly by d/l from RR. I personally don't d/l from RR because the Alpha Tags are horrible in most cases. So I build Excel spreadsheets and load to PSREdit. However, for a first time user d/l will give you a nice roadmap of how the software looks when populated. You can then edit the TG/freq in PSREdit and load to scanner. Overwhelming at first but becomes simple once you see it.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2022
Thanks again for your prompt reply. I chose the exe link. It brought up a very complicated looking "Configuration Editor". I'm new to scanners so I have no idea what to do with this page. Do I leave the boxes checked that are there already? How to I connect that to the RR page to choose the sites I want to monitor? I'm not familiar with some of the words used. Do I need "trunked" or "conventional"? The manual for my WS1040 says Digital Trunking Handheld Radio Scanner.


MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
Try this one since your premium subscriber, different software, but essentially the same as psredit500 when you go to selecting your county, etc. , in that you would go to IMPORT and select what kind, likely you will be selecting Trunked. Then log in like you would on here.
Try not to put everything in scanlist 1, say just your county, then maybe neighboring ones in other scanlists.

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Jan 27, 2003
Northern Ohio
Rondalski, I have provided the OP step by step instructions on how to proceed with PSREdit. Also provided them a PSREdit Template that deals with proper settings.


MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
You should put that in public, so others can learn too when they look to know how too. Maybe a wiki? Having less than 5 messages, may not get the message?
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