Whistler 1065 should I purchase?

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Sep 18, 2020
Scappoose, OR 97056
Looking to upgarde from a simple Uniden Analog scanner.
I have the opportunity to purchase a Whistler 1065 from a friend who bought it and never used it.
He bought it 12 months ago and will let it go to me for $150.
I have heard it is a real bug to program from my research
I have also heard there are various programs one can use to program it, but I understand some are obsolete.
Is this worth my time?
Any guidance would be great.
For those that I have read that have this model and have successfully programmed, they seem to love it...
Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Active Member
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Mar 17, 2020
Ontario, Canada
What area do you live in and what would you like to listen to? That will determine if it’s worthwhile for you or not.


Sep 18, 2020
Scappoose, OR 97056
I live in Scappoose, Oregon 97056 in Columbia County. I am right next to Portland, Oregon 97231 in Multnomah County and am a stone's throw away from Ridgefield, Washington 98642 in Clark County. I like to listen to police, fire rescue, and air traffic.


MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
Well see if you can 'test drive' it see if it works for your area? Granted it will need to be programmed for your area.

I'm sure one thing your looking at is price but, from what I'm seeing in the database is the state system is phase II and the WS models are only phase I capable. Columbia Sherriff dispatch is shown here - the MODE T as well so the 1065 cant get this one.

Although police show here as well, don't know if they still use the analog frequency or its being dual(patched) broadcasted on analog and the phase II digital. Best to ask in the Oregon forums. Columbia County, Oregon (OR) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference

Then here it shows simulcast - multiple towers using same frequencies. The whistlers normally do terrible and even up to no reception at all.
Being just outside Multnomah can help though since your likely not getting all the towers.

Simulcast - WS1040/WS1065 vs Simulcast 800

I'm only imagining why he's getting rid of it is needing a phase II capable scanner where he is and might be strongly effected by simulcast reception issues?
What you need to look at to me from what I'm seeing is any of the Uniden brand radios that work much better on simulcast and are all phase II capable.
Desktops 996P2, 536HP
Portables 325P2, 436HP
Sort of a desktop/portable Home Patrol II
These are designed for simulcast areas and pricey. SDS 200, SDS 100

Since your living just outside Multnomah I'd look at the NON SDS ones as the farther away from a simulcast system the effects are not as bad since you are not receiving all the towers on the system and are less pricey.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
Looking to upgarde from a simple Uniden Analog scanner.
I have the opportunity to purchase a Whistler 1065 from a friend who bought it and never used it.
He bought it 12 months ago and will let it go to me for $150.

See if the seller can show you how well it works (or doesn't) in your area. You would be buying older technology that will never support P25 Phase 2, DMR, or NXDN digital modes if that's important to you. Also it's not even a good choice for P25 Phase 1 in many areas.

Ask why they never used it, why they're selling it?


Premium Subscriber
Mar 25, 2003
Central NJ
I have one running on an attic mounted antenna and it works great for me. Its easy to program with WIN500. Plus, I was able to clone it from my old GRE PSR500/600 files. There are better models out there but I only use it for analog and P25 phase 1. I have a separate BCD996P2 thats dedicated to P25 phase 2 systems. But like someone said above, it depends on what systems are used in your area.


Sep 18, 2020
Scappoose, OR 97056
All, thank you for your responses!
I appreciate the feedback and I decided against the purchase of the Whistler 1065.

Mr. RonaldSki, thanks for your specific model recommendations.
I think I am going to make the jump to either the BCD996P2 or the BCD536HP.

Between the two which do you think is better for me?
Will I be able to get at least 3 years out of either model before technology changes and they become somewhat obsolete?
I think this is a good time for me to jump up to a middle range level scanner. By the way I do currently pick up many analog frequencies such as my hometown police dept. in Scappooose OR, and neighboring Ridgefield, WA right over the river. What I really would like in addition to P1 and P2 technology is just being able to see who in fact I am listening to on a digital display. I prefer desktop units near my bed so I can see a well lit screen easy to read at night. Curious on thoughts as to my upgrade strategy- and as a newbie getting into this hobby.
I appreciate everyone's time in responding.


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
Certainly, if you already have one and it currently meets your needs, why not keep it. I've owned a few over the years and they worked great for me!
They are pretty good within what they can do. I'm very fond of my Pro-197 version of the PSR-600 but I have zero LSM here and so far the P25 is all p.1. Very clean decode and great audio. But when p.2 eventually arrives it will be a glorified analog scanner. As fond of them as I am, I would not buy another one unless at absolute giveaway prices...and maybe not then. This is old technology and as good as it is within its limitations, it's got a shelf life.


MI DB Admin
Database Admin
Aug 23, 2005
Bay City MI
996p2 you program it, if you know how to program as I do, I prefer it and its certainly less money. You can use the free program freescan with it.
Freescan doesnt support DMR, but looks like in your county just a couple business related trunking systems is all. You can look at how-to videos at the bottom- FreeScan User Guide - The RadioReference Wiki

536hp you can use the zip code feature to program - although routinely you would be prudent to hookup to a pc and update the database in it and if any firmware updates are available.
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