In my opinion, the suspicious nature of law enforcement toward the community is so pervasive that it clouds their ability to differentiate crooks from good citizens. In essence, everyone is a suspect to some cops. In my opinion, they are creating unnecessary fractures in their support system, the community at large. Furthermore, some law enforcement agencies may need to hide their practices. I have monitored many incidents when a police officer will attempt to find a violation to pull someone over. In Houston, I heard DEA discussing shooting an electronic sled beneath a target vehicle years ago. This device reportedly disabled the electronics and it allowed a marked unit an invitation into that person's private space. Also, the identity of the agent was protected. This still happens. DPS made a stop near McGregor off of 317. They employed this same tactic for someone they wanted to stop. I think this is circumventing the law. But, some police will justify bending the rules for someone they suspect is up to no good. Oddly enough, a great many of those I assessed within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice wanted to be police officers themselves. Hence, the antisocial personality is sometimes attracted to the profession. I know that there are officers who meet the diagnostic criteria of having a criminal personality.