There seems to be very little info on this radio. Anyone have hands on experience with it? current price info?
I have no first hand experience with this radio, the G69DDC Excelsior Ultra, but I have used (on a regular basis) the two radios it combines the specs of and potentially replaces, the G35DDC Excalibur Ultra (32 MHz bandwidth) and the G39DDC Excelsior (HF/VHF/UHF/SHF) with microwave down converter. The total costs of those radios with options (ext ref, ext trigger, down converter, etc) comes in at significantly over $15k (roughly $5k for each radio plus the down converter)
So I expect the cost on this one is near $10k, and may be well over that. If it is only $5k it is a killer deal.
With that said, in general this series is excellent hardware. It does not get much love in the hobby community, but I place current and recent generations of WinRadio hardware in the upper shelf category. The G35DDC competes with the very best traditional receivers I have ever owned and used. The G33DDC is my daily go-to receiver. The G39 is very good as an HF receiver, considering HF is such a small part of its coverage.
The only problem I have with their gear is the lack of 3rd party software support. If you like the WinRadio provided interface then you are golden, if you don't then your options are few until you press to the professional software level.