I'm not from Ontario and have no idea how the OPP radios work, but I found this little article on The Maritimes Scanning Site and I thought I'd post it, see if it would be worth giving a try.
Quoted from website:
Quoted from website:
Now this info is now 6 years old, so not sure if it will work at all. But just thought I'd post it incase.“I have found a new trunk system in NB it is run by Atlantic Communications, it covers all of southern NB, their site says it is part of system that covers HRM, I believe that this system has no ties to Aliant. I believe that it is used
primarily by commercial users, it uses the MPT1327 trunking scheme the same type
that the OPP use so it can't be tracked by trunktrackers. But if you use a ctcss
tone (their tone is 238.0???) it eliminates the computer noise and you can hear the
traffic. I believe that these systems use one tone for the whole system (like OPP)