To whom it may concern,
The County of Gloucester operates all Public Safety communications on “T” band. With the
advent of the “Digital TV” mandatory transition, the County experiences HARMFUL
INTERFERENCE through the ducting of signals as far away as Boston. The interference blocks
all frequencies on all station receivers for periods as long as two hours. Public Safety requires
immediate communications 100% of the time and can, therefore, not tolerate this periodic
occurance during the right weather conditions. This is a life threatening situation.
We have carefully selected the listed 450/460 MHz frequencies as a back-up for our first
responders to switch to during this interference. These frequencies are programmable in our
current 500 MHz units. We applied through the normal APCO Coordination Process on 6/15/10
and to date have not received a response. This STA is necessary for us to test these channels in
the interim, and use these channels until the FCC license is granted.
Thank you for your support in this matter.