Currently, the site you are referring to is used between some of the Casper Fire and Police admin as a way of "checking" the setup.
What I am told is the new site (which is actually at the current Casper 800 MHz site on Casper mountain) will be integrated and the frequencies and radios will be added to the current system giving something like 10 or 12 "channels". And the current 3,600 baud 800 system will be switched to 9,600 baud to match Wyolink.
This will of course interface directly onto the Wyolink TG's with Casper law enforcement still being encrypted. I am also told that WHP will be encrypted if it is being simulcast over the 800 system. This seems odd since it will be open on Wyolink at the exact same time, but who knows.
Then I am told the CPD vehicles will be getting dualband radios capable of 800 and 150 MHz so they can access the Wyolink directly. None of the Wyolink TG's are supposed to change (just get new ones added), but almost all of the 800 MHz TG's will change and the control channels will roll.
And all of this is to be done before Christmas. So hopefully we can get the new system mapped fairly quickly. They have begun the flash upgrades to all of the radios. I will post when mine gets done (should be near the last on the list).