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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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XTL1500 and PM400 radio loop


Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2019
Holton, KS
Built a Xcross band repeater and had a local radio shop turn on the COS and they also recommended PL/DPL for us in the PM400. Got it back from the shop today. Hooked everything up and plugged it in, went to test it by keying up on the VHF and the video attached is the end result, only way to get it to quit is shut off the power. I have tried using both COS and PL and both do this, must have shorted something out testing before going to the shop…

Radio loop video


Sep 20, 2008
Sector 001
Built a Xcross band repeater and had a local radio shop turn on the COS and they also recommended PL/DPL for us in the PM400. Got it back from the shop today. Hooked everything up and plugged it in, went to test it by keying up on the VHF and the video attached is the end result, only way to get it to quit is shut off the power. I have tried using both COS and PL and both do this, must have shorted something out testing before going to the shop…

Radio loop video
Can you post the video somewhere I don't have to have a sign In?


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
1 point
Didn’t watch the video, but that is usually caused by the TX radio RF getting back into the RX radio. But as I said, I didn’t watch the video so it could be something completely different.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States

I watched it.
Hard to tell for sure, but I agree with the others. Sure seems like RF getting into the receiver.

What is your antenna setup like?

And this is one of the reasons we cautioned against this on public safety frequencies. You really need to have some protections built in, and this is where having a dispatcher involved is necessary.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2019
Holton, KS
I watched it.
Hard to tell for sure, but I agree with the others. Sure seems like RF getting into the receiver.

What is your antenna setup like?

And this is one of the reasons we cautioned against this on public safety frequencies. You really need to have some protections built in, and this is where having a dispatcher involved is necessary.
That why this is 100% in test phase and not using dispatch channel only side group that rarely get used, antenna are a 1/4 wave vhf and a 800mhz phantom antenna. Our agency is trying this, but implementation is not guaranteed and just wanted to see if the system would work.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Hard to tell for sure, but I agree with the others. Sure seems like RF getting into the receiver.

Like others said above, RF getting into the radios via your audio/control cabling may be causing this.
Does @KevinC have multiple personalities? He's the only one who mentioned RF getting into the other radio, no "others".


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Not a single mention of this specific RF issue in any other thread the OP posted in, but okay. I guess @KevinC's new pronouns are "them/others" 🙃


Premium Subscriber
Oct 28, 2017
These are fun. Start with RF chokes on the DC power cables for both radios. The repeater builder list on groups.io can give you more detailed advice.

(Looks like an XTL2500, not '1500 in the video)


Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
There use to be an electronics shop in Nevada that built a mini logic board I think functioned with a COR for interfacing two radios for crossbanding that would prevent them from looping. If my memory serves me right, I believe the name of the shop was Sweet Electronics.

I personally used a couple of their mini logic boards for crossbanding a couple of portable radios for an airborne repeater package a few decades ago and they worked very well.

That concept also gave me the idea for developing a vehicular repeater system (VRS) (a.k.a. Portable Radio Extenders) package for a fleet of Motorcycles that eventually GE produced.

Another thought that may be a solution is get an automatic vehicular repeater like a Pyramid In-Trunk Repeater and interface the two mobile radios with the Pyramid unit and use the logic board for the keying and passing the audios back and forth between the two mobiles.
Last edited:


Lots and lots of watts
Premium Subscriber
Dec 5, 2008
Calif Whine Country
It looks like the PM400 is in monitor which means the PL/CSQ output is only CSQ. Either change HUB in programming or put a mic with a clip on it and plug into the radio.


Feed Provider
Jul 29, 2012
East of the Mississippi
This is why you do this on a bench with dummy loads first. And with a service monitor. I dont recall your bands in use but for mine they are VHF and UHF. VHF Simplex on low power. UHF Trunking again on low power. I have my PTT beep disabled so that doesnt casue issues. First thing I'd do it get it working on 2 dummy loads. It really looks like you have RF getting into the control wires. I'd also disconnect one path of cables. Make it work from 800 to VHF. Once that works and is consitent try to hook up your COR on the VHF radio and test that way. Also on trunking radio use a conventional channel first to get it working. I have it there so i can test stuffo n site also. This is a simple setup but seems you are struggling with it. May be easier to take the stuff to a shop and have them set it up correctly.