Have an XTL5000 here which sits on the desk for local monitoring purposes. Hasn't been reprogrammed in some time. Over the past few weeks it's developed a odd tone whenever it unmutes to produce any sort of audio, whether that's for RX/voice on any mode programmed, or a simple keypress on the CH. The tone is a brief, short-long kind of beep, however it does not strike me as being MDC or any other sort of signaling.
Here's a recording of the tone, heard after enabling/disabling Scan.
-Different speaker
-Different J2 wiring harness
-Different power supply
Radio Info:
M20SSS9PW1AN, Dashmount
Host: 20.00.01
DSP: 19.50.00
Seem familiar to anyone?
Here's a recording of the tone, heard after enabling/disabling Scan.
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-Different speaker
-Different J2 wiring harness
-Different power supply
Radio Info:
M20SSS9PW1AN, Dashmount
Host: 20.00.01
DSP: 19.50.00
Seem familiar to anyone?