Ok. Here’s the bad news. I have the exact same model number, & went through this in December. The W2BN radio was specifically made to be traded out for STX, & early MTS2000 radios that could not be rebanded as a “low feature” radio. As it is, the radio can not do 700 MHz, & I’m not sure if it can be upgraded “legitimately”. However, there are people on E-Bay who advertise programming, & “upgrade” services. First thing you will need is to have the radio “upgraded” to a W7BN. This will turn on 700 MHz, & allow the radio to take further upgrades. But Moto will absolutely not do this upgrade. Then, to legitimately add the 9600, & other similar features, you will spend hundreds of dollars. I had my radio “upgraded” the “back door” way, & the radio now does what I need. So I’d be checking on E-Bay for the upgrades you need. Good luck.