I use Win10 Pro and a serial cable with my XTS5000 radios. Astro will throw errors as well as 'Not Responding'. I wait and let it finish if it is no longer responding, even though the program is frozen it's still working and I eventually see write success and Astro works like normal again. Sometimes Astro will throw an error and I click 'OK' and it then starts working and writes to the radio.
Sometimes Astro displays an error and the radio display shows Fail 01/82 or something like that. I just keep pushing whether read or write and it eventually works. My com port speed is 9600 bits per second. I'll adjust the buffer TX/RX down which might eliminate errors and freezing next time around. I think my XTL5k does the same, so I jiggle it as well. Remember, read first and jiggle it.
I have not tried the USB cable and I have model 3 w/FPP, so I just add/adjust in the field.