Yaesu FT-1900r

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Mar 9, 2010
Indianapolis Indiana
I have coming to me today a Yaesu FT-1900r (just waiting on UPS) I also ordered th programing kit and antenna.

Problem I am looking at is programing the thing with the SW. I don't have a windows based laptop. So I will have to use my windows desktop. But I obviously can't plug the radio in to program it in my bed room. So I am in need of a Ac power supply, Do you guys know of any affordable ones that I could pick up locally?

the manual says it needs 11 amps at 13.8 volts



If your going to just be programming it indoors, not actually transmitting, then just run to your local radio shack and get a cheap 12v wall adapter, make sure you observe polarity when hooking it up, and that will be more than sufficient to power the radio and do your programming.

Now if you plan on actually using it in the house and transmitting, then go get a power supply capable of 12-20 amps. Radio Shack also has some larger power supplies if you need one, not cheap but if its all you got locally that will do. Now if you got time to wait, then order one and watch for UPS again... LOL


Mar 9, 2010
Indianapolis Indiana
I would like to Tx from the house. That would be nice, I just don't want to drop a tone of money on a power supply. About how much are the ones at radio shack you were referring to that would be good enough to tx/rx with?


Nov 12, 2010
Greenfield, Indiana USA
Looking at the specs you need at least 1 amp for RX only and minimum 4 amp for low power TX. I would encourage you to buy a good quality 20 amp supply at minimum (30 amp would be better) It' is worth the extra bucks. I have a Astrom 30 amp that I have used for the last 8 years and it works great.


Looking at the specs you need at least 1 amp for RX only and minimum 4 amp for low power TX. I would encourage you to buy a good quality 20 amp supply at minimum (30 amp would be better) It' is worth the extra bucks. I have a Astrom 30 amp that I have used for the last 8 years and it works great.

The specs are off... From my 1900, receive is about 550mA no audio, closer to an amp with audio. Transmit is about 9a on high power.

Even though i don't normally recommend Rat Shack products, but most people have one nearby, they do carry a good 15a supply for $80. Just saw it in the sale flyer yesterday. I know a few new hams around here that have that supply and it does work just fine.

Its model number 22-508.

Astron's are nice, way overpriced for what they are, but nice. I switched away from Astron's years ago, too expensive and heavy. I have a 55a continuous duty supply now, Astron can't compete with it.


a quick google search shows the Astrom 30 amp cost more than what I paid for the radio.

LOL... Yep... Told ya.

Oh and the other thing, the Astron 20 isn't 20 amps. Its only 16 amps. Their 35 is only 25 amps. So why you ask? Because they stupidly name their products using the ICS rating, aka surge rating of the supply, but its actual continuous duty amount is much less.

I would have to buy a RS-70 to get 57a continuous. My current supply is an Iota DLS-55, 55a continuous duty fan cooled. I have pulled 50a off it for long sessions of time and only got it hot enough for the fan to kick in once in six years! Not to mention the price tag was only $190 compared to the RS-70's $319.
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Mar 9, 2010
Indianapolis Indiana
The specs are off... From my 1900, receive is about 550mA no audio, closer to an amp with audio. Transmit is about 9a on high power.

Even though i don't normally recommend Rat Shack products, but most people have one nearby, they do carry a good 15a supply for $80. Just saw it in the sale flyer yesterday. I know a few new hams around here that have that supply and it does work just fine.

Its model number 22-508.

Astron's are nice, way overpriced for what they are, but nice. I switched away from Astron's years ago, too expensive and heavy. I have a 55a continuous duty supply now, Astron can't compete with it.

See thats why I love you guys. You always help me when I need it. (if only I could get my damn hand held to work)

I will be calling rat shack to see if they have that model.

Thanks so much guys


See thats why I love you guys. You always help me when I need it. (if only I could get my damn hand held to work)

I will be calling rat shack to see if they have that model.

Thanks so much guys

Whats wrong with the HT?? Did you post about it here? Sorry bad memory.


Mar 9, 2010
Indianapolis Indiana
Yea, its a radio shack htx 245

after market antenna that is matched on specs

trying to communicate on 146.7 repeater in indy.

No tones set, cant be heard They can hear garbled junk or nothing. on simplex the radio is crystal clear. Rx on 146.7 tx on 146.1

I have no idea whats going on. its almost as if the repeater just doesnt like me.


When you get the 1900 up and running set it to 146.100 the input of the repeater, and then transmit on the HT and see what you hear. It could be the offset is wrong, its been a long time since i have messed with a htx245 but they have some known problems. I think they have a programmable offset, if its not set to .600 Khz you might actually be transmitting off frequency. It could also be the radio is just not on frequency period and has some major issues. Listening on another receiver should tell you whats going on there.

If nothing else buy another Yaesu... LOL!
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