Yaesu: Yaesu FTM7250 Function Keys

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Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
Bare with me, I'm just getting used to this radio. Overall, I do like it but I have some questions.

I have a couple of questions about the function keys on the mic. I originally programmed P4 for scan. In the manual and on the internet, I have seen the # key places the radio in scan mode. The # key doesn't place my 7250 into scan. So I placed another option in P4, thinking that key may have trumped the # key, but the # key still does not make the radio scan. Anything I am doing wrong here?

Also, why has Yaesu not elected you to overwrite P1 and P2 with other options? I don't have the radio with me, but I don't think I can make changes to the A-D keys, either???

And lastly, maybe it's some kind of interference to my vehicle, but it seems like there's a lot of birdies on 2 meters causing interference.


Aug 7, 2018
This radio is designed to access the C4FM system and needs P1 and P2 dedicated for that. Other radios will allow those two to be user programmed - I would imagine all the pure-analog radios.

The pound sign scans memory channels. Do you have any memory channels set?

You can also use it as a shortcut for entering the trailing zeros when typing in frequencies directly or to punch in memory channels. See pages 13, 27. It also has various uses for WIRES-X.

The A-D keys are set by the radio - see page 11. Otherwise, their only use is for DTMF when transmitting.

I can't answer on the birdies - my FT-7100 was pretty good in my area.

I'll have to fire it up and see if the A-D keys do anything else during receive. :p


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2015
where they make the cheese
but it seems like there's a lot of birdies on 2 meters causing interference

take the top cover off the radio
youll see why you have birdies creeping in
I put a layer of AL foil inside mine, helped alot
todays cars spew RF everywhere and the 7250 is nearly Baofengesque in its ability to have you enjoy them

I have the C key programmed to open the squelch menu and let me change settings with the mic up and down key
and the D key set the same but to control power
if I recall i ste the P3 key to bring the scanskip menu up for toggling off unwanteds
and the P4 key opens the squelch
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Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
The pound sign scans memory channels. Do you have any memory channels set?

I do have memory channels programmed. I used software YPS7250 to program them. Maybe there is a way I need to designate the channels for it to scan. I will check. I started programming the memory channels by hand, but it was a little too tedious for me. Still one of my goals, though. Thanks!

take the top cover off the radio
youll see why you have birdies creeping in
I put a layer of AL foil inside mine, helped alot
todays cars spew RF everywhere and the 7250 is nearly Baofengesque in its ability to have you enjoy them
I have a roll of copper tape from the bcd436 battery compartment "experiment". I might try that to see if I notice any difference. I do believe it's noise coming from inside my vehicle. I didn't notice this issue when it was in my house.

I do have C&D and P3 &4 programmed. I'm just playing around to see what makes the most sense for me. Thanks for your replies.


Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
Bare with me, I'm just getting used to this radio. Overall, I do like it but I have some questions.

I have a couple of questions about the function keys on the mic. I originally programmed P4 for scan. In the manual and on the internet, I have seen the # key places the radio in scan mode. The # key doesn't place my 7250 into scan. So I placed another option in P4, thinking that key may have trumped the # key, but the # key still does not make the radio scan. Anything I am doing wrong here?

Also, why has Yaesu not elected you to overwrite P1 and P2 with other options? I don't have the radio with me, but I don't think I can make changes to the A-D keys, either???

And lastly, maybe it's some kind of interference to my vehicle, but it seems like there's a lot of birdies on 2 meters causing interference.

You're duplicating functions by programming one of the P keys to initiate scanning. You can use the up or down buttons on the top of the microphone to initiate scanning of either memory channels or the band (in VFO mode) and in either direction (by using the UP or DOWN button.)


Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
You're duplicating functions by programming one of the P keys to initiate scanning. You can use the up or down buttons on the top of the microphone to initiate scanning of either memory channels or the band (in VFO mode) and in either direction (by using the UP or DOWN button.)

You can initiate scan by up/ down buttons? I thought you could select channels and other functions in the menus by that, but not initiate scan.
I was trying to change P4 due to the fact I was duplicating the memory channels. But the # for some reason hasn't worked to initiate scanning.


Aug 7, 2018
You can initiate scan by up/ down buttons? I thought you could select channels and other functions in the menus by that, but not initiate scan.
I was trying to change P4 due to the fact I was duplicating the memory channels. But the # for some reason hasn't worked to initiate scanning.

See pg 11 or 30 of the manual. That's caught me off guard once or twice handling the mic. Ha!

Are you in memory mode when you push the #? Since it looks like it's dedicated for memory scan, it won't initiate a VFO scan. I'm just interpreting from the manual, don't have this radio in my possession.

Per pg 3 of the advanced manual, you've programed P4 to just "scan" - I would imagine default to scan up, whatever mode you're in - VFO or memory.


Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
See pg 11 or 30 of the manual. That's caught me off guard once or twice handling the mic. Ha!

Are you in memory mode when you push the #? Since it looks like it's dedicated for memory scan, it won't initiate a VFO scan. I'm just interpreting from the manual, don't have this radio in my possession...

Well... I'm ASSuming I am:) . I have programmed repeaters and simplex channels into memory and scan them (when I select P4). Maybe there is another setting where I need select them as "Programmable Memory Scan". I'll need to play around with it a little more this weekend. Thanks.


Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
You can initiate scan by up/ down buttons? I thought you could select channels and other functions in the menus by that, but not initiate scan.
I was trying to change P4 due to the fact I was duplicating the memory channels. But the # for some reason hasn't worked to initiate scanning.

Press and hold...


Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Jun 15, 2002
Press and hold...

Thanks for that suggestion. Works like a charm. and I missed it in the manual. The # key still doesn't initiate scanning, but with the up/ down key option to scan, it frees up the P4 for another function.


Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
You can initiate scan by up/ down buttons? I thought you could select channels and other functions in the menus by that, but not initiate scan.
I was trying to change P4 due to the fact I was duplicating the memory channels. But the # for some reason hasn't worked to initiate scanning.

I read the manual and it appears that the # key really doesn't initiate scanning. It's part of the procedure listed on Page 23 of the Advanced Manual, but it doesn't start the scan. That's still done with the Up or Down keys. Disclaimer: I don't own the radio so I can't check out the procedure in person. I'm only going by the manual.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
my 7250, purchased last month at HRO in Atlanta, VHF squelch set to 2, UHF at 3. Diamond X-300, thru an Alpha-Delta antenna switch, and no issues. Correct, to scan one must hit and hold the UP/DOWN buttons on mike. Pound sign aka the octothorpe doesn't do squat.
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