yaesu programming

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Nov 9, 2004
evansville wi
Hi, can't seem to get thsi yaesu t-250r i bought to program the reaters i an trying to put in. The manual is a little greek to me. I just got my ticket a couple days ago, and would like to contact the weather spotter frequencies I need. Any help?


Jan 9, 2009
All the Yaesu manuals are written poorly, almost like they were written in Chinese and then they used google translator. Pages 7, 15 and 18 are the ones you need to read again.

It looks like if the repeater was listed as 146.900, with a PL of 67 you would have to
While in VFO mode(problably an A or a B on display and not MR(press VFO to switch, I think)
press 4 6 9 0 0, look at display to see if a (-) negative sign is present, hopefully auto repeater shift is on.
Press the F button on the lower right then the 2 key(code), rotate dial until 67 shows up and press the F key once again.

Press and hold MR/MW key for one second, then you can rotate the dial to choose what memory location to store it in, then press the MR/MW key to store in memory

Then you can press the MR/MW key to enter memory recall and see if your freq is stored and then press the REV button to see if the repeaters input frequency is correct and press the F followed by 2(code) to see if the correct CTCSS(PL) tone is stored for the repeater.

It is somewhat complicated to program these things but once you store a few frequencies/repeaters you will get the hang of it, until you haven't done it for a week and then you need to get the book out again


Jul 15, 2007
I learned on a Yaesu 7800 and vx170 (the 270s earlier version) and have got a 270 now.

It takes a little practice but here's the fastest way to get you on the air.

So I'm taking the janesville repeaters off this list...
Repeater Directory Listing

Turn the radio on and press VFO

Type in 4 5 4 5 0 you'll see the - pop up above the frequency, you should now hear any activity on the repeater.

Press the red function key, then 1 turn the knob to tone, press the red function key once more.

Press the red function key then 2 turn the knob to 123.0 press the function key again. Wait for a break in conversation key up give out your call and see if you get a response, when you let go listen for the radio to receive for a few seconds immediately following and you'll know you did hit the repeater and are in range.

And press the memory keys as Jeremy described to store it, then you can program other repeaters. 147.075 is your other 2m repeater in Jainesville and it's got the same CTSS tone, so you can just plug in 4 7 0 7 5 and the 270 will stay on the same pl, same goes for a few of the repeater in Madison and your area of the state.

Don't be afraid to mention your new, you'll likely receive a little extra help and at the very least some extra patience if you've got to make adjustments. And check out your area clubs, and I highly suggest making a trip out to one of the nearby field day sites Field Day Station Locator to get to meet some of the HAMs.

Yaesu takes some time to learn, but once you get it down, you can pick up almost any Yaesu and get on the air without needing the manual because it becomes so intuitive.


Nov 9, 2004
evansville wi
Ok I think I got the programming down, But how do I find the channels I programed it sems like they are lost, and I cna't find them.Thanks for your help so far. also why do some ferquencies start with 444 others 145? I can;t seeem to program the 444 #'s
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Jan 9, 2009
You have to press the MR/MW to get MR to show on the LCD and then turn the knob to switch memory channels. The 444 are part of the 70cm ham band and the 145 are part of 2m. I am pretty sure that is just a single band 2m radio


Nov 9, 2004
evansville wi
That helps, I see it will monitor just the frequencies I put. At one pont I found a way to have it scan all the channels. Finally got rid of that. So I was able to program most of the frequencies I wanted except for the skywarn freq. Thanks fgor all your help. If you have other nuggets let me know


Jan 9, 2009
The 145.450 repeater might also have weather spotters, it has the same call sign and sponsor as the 444.750 repeater and even says WX(weather net) in the notes

You might want to get in touch with Dave Wendt(N9GQ) as it looks like he is the Emergency Coordinator for the Rock County ARES/RACES group



Nov 9, 2004
evansville wi
Thanks, I did in fact send that guy a e-mail, but I so appreciate how cool this site is to help others of us who have not quite have the handle on this info. Thanks again. I have put some repeater freq's in my radio, but I hear nothing and am nervous about shouting my call sign. Funny, I've been through very deadly situations , yet this is something I have wanted to do for so long. it just freezes me up. LOL I guess I just to have bear down and give a shout out. Anybody else remember their 1st expirence?
Thanks again everybody. Stay tuned for more questions. I don't have much in the way of antennas, just rubber ducks and 1- 18" mag mount and another 13" mag. Guess I better start stringing wire through this pine out here.


Jan 9, 2009
The 145.370 repeater in Madison will probably have some traffic on it and you might possibly be able to hear something from the 146.880 repeater out of Baraboo, it might be quite a few miles from you but it is a strong repeater. And you could program 444.550(Hollandale) into a scanner to listen to one of the biggest linked repeater systems in the state(and there still is much traffic)

Wisconsin Interstate Network

As far as an antenna, it should be vertical. You could make a J-pole antenna or buy a 2m/440 vertical to put on the roof. I bought a used Comet GP-6 a few years ago and it picks up a lot, I had to lock out some freqs on the scanner I had hooked up to it
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