This week I made some system upgrades around the office. With the changes came a redesign of the desk setup. If you remember my last setup I had built a custom shelf unit to house all my radios. I like it a lot and it was functional. Well now I moved over to a Mac as my primary computer. As you can see the desk now looks less cultured and I can actually work on it. I still have my Windows 7 computer behind me on another desk. So I can program my radios I'm using BootCamp between OSX Lion and Win7 64 so I can still work and program my radios. Only thing I wish I had now were two stands by ScannerStandMan. I wish I had purchased some when he was still making them.
I forgot to add the reason for the change. By trade I am a Windows Base IT Specialist. I live and breath Windows OS all day long and I wanted something different . Since most of the devices I own are Apple the logical step was to move over to OSX. I've been messing around with it for over a week and all I can say is WOW, why did I wait so long. The user interface is a slight learning cure but it is so simple to use and it interfaces with everything I own. Even getting it to talk to my other Windows 7 machines took only a few mouse clicks. If you ever tried to network several windows computers then you know what I'm talking about.
I forgot to add the reason for the change. By trade I am a Windows Base IT Specialist. I live and breath Windows OS all day long and I wanted something different . Since most of the devices I own are Apple the logical step was to move over to OSX. I've been messing around with it for over a week and all I can say is WOW, why did I wait so long. The user interface is a slight learning cure but it is so simple to use and it interfaces with everything I own. Even getting it to talk to my other Windows 7 machines took only a few mouse clicks. If you ever tried to network several windows computers then you know what I'm talking about.
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