Under NIFC, because they are indeed not duplicate frequencies. The VHF IR freqs are hard coded 167.9 in the DB, as they should be, which means everyone's scanners will never hear NIFC 8-12, because when they're used as NIFC 8-12 they are on multiple tones, assigned per incident (but never assigned 167.9) I'm not talking about links or wiki's or notes on the DB page. I'm talking about every scanner in the united states does not have NIFC Cmd 8-12 in any type of download, pre-program, or export etc. And I won't start the tangent regarding the naming of the "IR" alpha tags, because they're never used as that, or have been. I thought the DB was for actually heard frequencies, not just something listed from a directory with some arcane alpha tag that has never been referred in reality as that alpha, ever, and won't be outside of another multi-state crisis like Katrina. (whispers, and even then it'll be referred to as NIFC... because that's what the entire nation's public response knows them by)
In many state emergency radio cache, etc, their programming has both IR and NIFC. One in the Fed NIFOG zone, the other in a NIFC zone or Natl Fire zone, etc. Both are used programmed appropriately, one labeled IR and one labeled NIFC, with different tone settings etc.
They. Aren't. Duplicates.
If they are duplicates, then we should only have one single entry in the DB of each channel in the VHF federal band plan, right? 169.9875 should be listed once and only once. Despite it potentially being used by BLM in Idaho as a tac, Fish and Wildlife in Florida, and USFS in the northeast.
Thanks Mods and Admins for all you do. I hope you know I'm not yelling at you. I'm shaking my fist at The System and The Rules trying to fit a square peg in a circle hole and The System keeps throwing out the square peg because all we got around here are circle holes...