
  1. jimmnn

    APA Crash, as paged

    7800 South Peoria Street at Centennial Airport on a small plane crash reported as a Yack, WW-2 aircraft landed without front gear and sole occupant has walked away. O/F DTRS, Online Jim<
  2. jimmnn

    Elbert County Plane Crash, as paged

    Skyhawk Way just off Delbert Road near Rocky Mtn Airpark on a small plane down initial reports of pilot code black and pass code red. O/F DTRS, Online Jim<
  3. C

    FMN Mode?? For Aircraft

    I wanted to listen to the local CDF air ops and noticed that the mode that these frequencies are in are called FMN. What does this mean. My local airport and other aircraft frequencies use AM. My radio shack scanner does not have this mode on it. Would AM work? or is this a special type of...
  4. A

    Glider Crash in N. Larimer County

    Glider crash in Northern Larimer County with 1 code black. Wellington fire onscene with Larimer County SO. This is near roads 7 and 84 is what I heard which is well north of the gliderport. O/F: LC mutual aid 3 TGid 4056 updates as I hear them. 73, Rex
  5. jimmnn

    Elbert County Plane Crash, as paged

    15.4 Miles south of Front Range Airport Denver Center reporting a small plane down or at least parachute deployed. O/F DTRS, Online Jim<
  6. scanfan22

    LA Area aircraft freqs

    What are these used for in the Los Angeles LAX area? 128.5 124.3 134.35 125.2 134.9 124.9 124.05 124.5 125.5 125.27 125.72 135.5
  7. jimmnn

    Sm Plane Down, as paged

    Huefano & Custer Counties: CAP launching for a search for a missing that was lost off radar in a spiral near Crestone Peak plane was en route from Phoenix to Pueblo. O/F 148.150, DTRS, Online Jim<
  8. M

    Antennae suggestion for Pro-96 Aircraft reception

    Hi folks. I live about 5 miles from MPLS - St. Paul international and would think that I could pick up tower transmissions using my handheld Pro-96. I have both the stock and the 800 mHZ antennaes. Neither are acceptable for the cival aircraft band... Any suggestions? I've heard that the...
  9. M

    RS PRO-82 Broken/Recommendations Wanted

    Hi all, I am a newb to the forums as of today. (I still have that new member smell!) LOL. I found R.R. within the last year or so while searching for frequencies. What a great info-chocked website. Enough with the pleasantries. On to the issue at hand. I had the pleasure of owning my first...
  10. kg4ojj

    Helicopter down - Jacksonville FL

    Aircraft incident (Helicopter down) at Herlong Airport, Jacksonville FL @ 1630 hrs (approximate). Herlong Airport @ Normandy Blvd Unknown type helicopter down on the active runway. Engine 57, 22, 31, Ladder 31, 22, Rescue 33, 32, 22, 17, & 2, Fire (chief) 5 & 6, Safety 2 enroute. Listen on...