amateur radio

  1. KK4LQX

    USAF Academy Cadet Amateur Radio Club (K0MIC)

    All, I just wanted everyone to know that the United States Air Force Academy Cadet Amateur Radio Club (K0MIC) is inactive. I sent them a blank QSL card to see if I could get one back just to have it. I received this in my SASE. "Sir, Unfortunately the Amateur Radio Club is inactive at this...
  2. K4APR

    QRP Anyone?

    This weekend I did a short camping trip and decided to try out my updated QRP set up. It was the TN QSO party, so there was plenty of band activity to listen to (and TRY to work). Here is my setup: - Yaesu FT-817ND - QRP Tuner (10W or less) - RadioShack SWR/Power Meter (To check...
  3. KC9SGV

    Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net - Ham Radio Net for boaters.

    Great Lakes Marine Mobile Net. Ham Radio Net and Skype Net for all boaters. Times/Frequencies: Weekend mornings Saturdays and Sundays at 08:30 a.m. Eastern - 7.268 MHz LSB and on CFMC 2M Chicago, 146.760 MHz FM. Also on Echolink, IRLP and Skype. See All Stations please monitor 7.268 MHz LSB |...
  4. K

    Funny Ham Radio News - Ham Hijinks

    My radio club, the Noise Blankers Radio Group, decided to try something new. We started a funny ham radio news section of our website called "Ham Hijinks." We generate satirical news, silly graphics and amusing videos. It's been a good way to poke fun at ourselves, get others involved and...
  5. W

    HamSphere virtual Ham Radio

    Hi Everyone. I am pleased to see so many Ham Radio operators here at RadioReference. Currently on holiday and as I was bored beyond anything so I started browing the net and found a cool software I wanted you to know about. It's called HamSphere and it works like a real shortwave rig. I dunno...
  6. W8VFD

    2008 Silverado Shack

    My mobile setup: Icom IC-2820 for FM & D-Star Kenwood TK-7180 & TK-8180 with Motorola Repeater interface Motorola Syntor X9000 Low band for 6 Meter Ham band Acer laptop with Yaesu FT-2600M & KPC3 Plus for APRS operations. PRO-197 Scanner Mirage 100 watt UHF amplifier (not pictured)
  7. rfsparkz


    Hello, Has anyone tried to monitor Amateur Radio D-STAR systems with the Uniden BCD396T scanner? Thanks Russ
  8. K

    Tx NXDN VHF/UHF repeaters

    I have a two Kenwood NXDN repeaters on the air for a while. 145.2700- and 440.6250+, both using 6.25 kHz NXDN requiring RAN 13. They are in EM00th, near Johnson City, TX. Anyone in the area is welcome to try them. You can usually hit them from the higher locations in Austin. Both are sometimes...
  9. K

    Charleston,SC Area Amateur Repeaters

    New feed up for Amateur radio operators in Charleston, SC area. Frequencies on feed are 147.105MHz which is linked to SCHEART statewide linked system. 146.985MHz located at Summerville Medical Center, 147.150MHz located in Monks Corner and 147.505MHz which is W1GRE echolink node.
  10. trunktracking

    NEW Amateur Radio "D-STAR Radio Scanning Net On Sunday At 10:30 PM EDT, Reflector 1C

    NEW Amateur Radio "D-STAR Radio Scanning Net On Sunday At 10:30 PM EDT, Reflector 1C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear RR Announcement Feed Moderator, This Announcement...
  11. trunktracking

    NEW Amateur Radio "D-STAR Radio Scanning Net On Sunday At 10:30 PM EDT, Reflector 1C

    NEW Amateur Radio "D-STAR Radio Scanning Net On Sunday At 10:30 PM EDT, Reflector 1C On Sunday Evening, August 29, 2010, I launched the D-STAR Radio Scanning Net. We plan to meet weekly on Amateur Radio: D-STAR Reflector 1, Module C at approximately 10:30 PM EDT, after Connie's Ozark...
  12. L

    Live feed not always active

    Hello, I just signed up to stream Central Carolina Skywarn (amateur radio). Skywarn is only active when there is bad weather in the area. When there is fair weather in the area, its just a normal amateur radio repeater. My plan was to only stream skywarn activity, but I see that if your...