
  1. AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus Amatuer Radio DMR GPS Bluetooth manual & box with HotSpot

    AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus Amatuer Radio DMR GPS Bluetooth manual & box with HotSpot

    AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus with box and everything that came with it. Shipping included to Continental 48 only. I'll leave it programmed with the codeplug, you might be able to re-use some of the programming. Very good condition, fully functional. This has been upgraded to firmware 3.04...
  2. TimberDogs

    CHIRP Radioditty DB-20G / AT-799UV Programming

    Hello, I've had my Radioditty DB-20G for a while now, and there is still not a CHIRP driver made for it yet. Because CHIRP won't take .dat files for code plugs, I have been forced to use the software provided by Radioditty. Does anyone know if this is currently being worked on? I know CHIRP is...
  3. rpurchases10

    Anytone AnyTone AT-878UVii Plus “Diddy Diddler” mode failure.

    I’ve recently been playing around with a lower budget portable 2-way radio I purchased from an RR member through the classified section. Occasionally, the radio’s user interface produces some of the most hilarious spelling and grammar “Chinesium Easter Eggs” .. 😂 The AnyTone AT-878UVii Plus...
  4. rjvalenta

    DIN size HF or HF radio with Havis plate?

    in my communications efforts with a local fire department (soon to be COM-L) i have a Tahoe with a Havis console. my next efforts will be to get my COM-T, then AUXCOM... and hopefully have everything i would need for these roles in the one vehicle. with that, the ham in me would like a vehicle...
  5. J

    Anytone D-578 UV PRO Cross Band Repeat Issue

    I have an Anytone 578 UV PRO that I have been playing with in cross-band repeat mode and have run into an issue. I own and operate a DMR repeater as well. I can cross-band/mode a VHF analog channel into a DMR talk group through the repeater successfully with both repeat paths working just fine...
  6. A

    Anytone Anytone 878 (UV or UVIIPlus) Firmware 3.03 Chinese Model Bug?

    In applying the latest Firmware 3.03 to my Anytones, I've noticed that in "Device Info" on the radio it now shows Chinese characters where it used to show the English model name. This is a new "feature" since the previous 3.02N. I have set the language to English both in CPS and in the Anytone...
  7. D

    Anytone/Hytera Encryption compatibility

    Hello, I have some issues with received encrypted voice with my Anytone AT-878UV Plus and Hytera Handhelds, which operate at Basic encryption type, 10 characters length. The result I get that via repeater mode, Hytera receives my encrypted voice well and on my Anytone the only thing I get is...
  8. N

    Anytone AT-778uv Monitor frequency not receiving while scan is active

    AnyTone AT-778uv: I've noticed that my monitor frequency (Bottom? B channel?) doesn't receive when there is a scan on the top/A channel is scanning. Does anybody know if this is by design, or is there something I need to configure. When not scanning, the B channel receives OK. I would like to...
  9. F

    Anytone Anytone d878uv 2 tone

    Hi guys. Im monitoring my local fire depts with my d878uv Anytone radio until i take my test on April 2nd. The radio has 2 tone decode option. I figured out a way to decode more than 1 2 tone set on a single channel by just having it decode tone a with no tone b. Our tone a is the same for all...
  10. B

    Anytone AT-D578UV DMR issues

    Hello. I'm a DMR rookie, but I learned a bit before I've started to create a codeplug for my radio. I've got a problem with my d578. Yesterday I've created the codeplug and imported to my radio. Everything works fine, I've joined the talkgroup and I heard hams and hams heard me. After that I...
  11. I

    Hytera /Anytone dmr compatibility

    Hi myself and our shooting buddies all used to use Hyteras in the field/woods on low power simplex mode mainly so we didn't shoot each other. Most of us have pd785 as they are lovely radios easy to prog and use. However due to the extortionate price we are gradually ditching them for Anytone...
  12. AK4FD

    Cross-Band/Cross-Mode Repeat?

    So I've been a Ham for a few years now, and sometimes Cross-Band Repeat has come in handy... Well I just bought a brand new radio (Anytone D578) it's their tri-band + DMR radio that does cross-band and cross-mode repeat. I am able to effectively use a 2M Analog frequency and cross-mode repeat...
  13. C

    Radio with constant scan feature?

    Hello I am looking for an inexpensive VHF radio that will always reactivate the scan feature after transmitting. I have looked at Baofeng and Anytone but cannot tell if this feature is available. To explain I want to have say 20 channels programmed into the radio, I want to be set to transmit on...
  14. fdnyfish

    Anytone Anytone D868 & D878 Instructional Videos

    Here are my Anytone videos on youtube. These might help people with this radio. Anytone Videos on Youtube Anytone D878 CPS software to 520MHz - MAINTENANCE MODE AnyTone D878 Dealer Unlock Software AnyTone 2-Tone Programming on D868 D878
  15. K2NEC

    Anytone Anytone AT-D868UV on RAS

    So I heard some rumors that the Anytone will work on RAS systems with no problem as long as you use Digi Moni. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  16. n9mxq

    Anytone mobile

    AT-D578UV Video Demo Download link* 3 short videos showing the mobile. Apparently available early 2019.. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  17. D

    Anytone AT-D868UV not displaying contacts

    The AT-D868 is not displaying contacts that have been loaded in the Digital Contact List. I have tried formatting and importing contacts downloaded from datadump.cgi; I have also erased all of these, reset the radio, and loaded only a couple of contacts I programmed directly from the CPS (This...
  18. H

    ?Alinco DJ-500T = Anytone AT-3208UVII = Anytone TERMN-8R?

    Are they the same radios with different cases and firmware? Alinco DJ-500T Second Generation manual (look at page 10)... Compared to... Anytone AT-3208UVII manual (look at page 7)...