
  1. S


    looking at purchasing this radio from marketplace. Will any APX4000 work on a regular conventional system. Or is there something I should be looking out for. Looks to be flashcode. R8206SG314801
  2. ll35689k

    APX 4000 Volume

    We have a APX4000 and by default whenever it is turned on it defaults the volume to 12. Is there a way to default it to 15 (the highest)? I have looked in the radio profiles but all I see is Max and Min volume. The radio volume does not appear to be as loud as the APX6000's, are there any...
  3. A

    APX 4000 Bluetooth

    My agency recently purchased Motorola APX4000 portables. We also got covert earpieces as well as wireless shoulder mics. We can not get the radios to accept more than one bluetooth connection to switch between earpieces and mics. We currently have to completely unpair and repair to get one or...