
  1. W

    Atlanta Area Interoperability

    Just got curious about something! I bought an old EFJ P25 radio for amateur use and it came from Arizona as part of an interoperability solution. Since I live in north DeKalb county and am in shouting distance of 3 P25 public service systems, DeKalb County, Fulton County, and City of Atlanta, do...
  2. T

    PRO-164 ATLANTA P25 CAI Capable

    I have a RS Pro-164 Boot Version: F1.01 and Appl Version: 1.10 I've downloaded with no further modification the following file from the RadioReference Web Service and uploaded to my scanner. System Name: Atlanta Public Safety P25 Location: Atlanta, GA County: Fulton System Type: Project 25...
  3. scseh

    Fulton Co., GA: denies new 911 radio bid: Concerned over sole bidder

    Fulton denies new 911 radio bid: Concerned over sole bidder By Jonathan Copsey April 23, 2013 FULTON COUNTY, Ga. – At its recess meeting April 17, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to deny the $21 million proposal for the emergency communications E-911 radio...
  4. wlittle

    Atlanta 800 Mhz. system

    I'm curious . . . on the Atlanta, Georgia 800 Mhz. system the (scanner) feeds for it are Zones 2, 5, and Fire / Rescue. My question is why aren't the other zones - particularly Zone 3 - included in the feed? My wife and I live in S.W. Atlanta (Zone 3) and I would like to know what's going on in...
  5. L

    Atlanta PD Zone 7

    Newbie here.....Does any1 know how I can tap into Zone 7 for Atlanta, GA PD?
  6. wlittle

    Delay in broadcast(s)?

    I monitor the Atlanta Police Zone 2, 5 and Fire Dispatch feed and I've noticed with fire dispatch there is sometimes a two to five minute lag in what I'm hearing. What I mean is that I live about a quarter mile from Atlanta fire station 30 and they will pass by responding to a call and I'll just...
  7. A

    Apd tg 19773

    Hi all, Ive reaceived a few confersations on Atlanta PD's talkgroup 19773, which is APD Unknown Surveillance. I think its there SWAT team channel? But i could be wrong??? Does anybody know what this talkgroup is and update it please? thanks, Alex
  8. 4phun

    Atlanta start-up to make cars just for cops

    A home-grown Atlanta automobile company will announce Wednesday orders for its first 10,000 police cars. Now, it just needs a place to build them. Carbon Motors Corp., the brainchild of former Ford executive William Santana Li, aims to build the first car designed only for law enforcement. He...
  9. 4phun

    PRO 96 and BC396T for sale this weekend $495

    I have two digital scanners I am selling as a package this weekend. The price is $495 for both. A new BC396T runs around $500 by itself. The PRO 96 digital scanner is from 2005 and used to be my favorite scanner because of its ease of use and loud volume. The PRO 96 comes with nothing extra and...
  10. D

    Newbie Seeks Hot Atlanta Pro-95 / Win95 File Database

    I'm a computer scanning newbie plinking on my RadioShack dual trunking Pro-95 scanner (No snickering at my dinosaur, please... ;-) And I stumbled across this great website and the forums and signed up. I know this is the install forum, but it looks like the closest thing to what I'm interested...