
  1. jassing

    Scanner choices... too many.

    I'm not new to scanners, just not a technogeek (Positive term here) in radios.. I just enjoy it... I've had a Pro-2026 for years. been more or less happy with it; it has served me well (love the small size). The other night; I got irked about not following trunk'd transmissions and decided to...
  2. AK4FD

    Negative Channel Dropout Delay?!?!?!?

    I have a BCT-15X... Can someone please explain what Negative Channel Dropout Delay (Forced Resume) is/means? All I see is a few sets of negative #'s and I have Googled and Wiki'd and nothing seems to clarify what its purpose is... Much appreciated! :)
  3. AK4FD

    Unit ID's...?

    I have a question I hope someone can answer... I've looked up and down and can't seem to find anything on the topic but on the BCT-15X when you have Unit ID's enabled and they show up, is there a way to program the Unit ID's using FreeScan or whatever software that when a Unit ID shows up I can...
  4. AK4FD

    ARC-XT Pro software

    Does anybody know a website, besides the BuTel website or ScannerMaster, where I can buy the ARC-XT Pro software at a discounted rate maybe? For example on the ScannerMaster website u can find Uniden scanners cheaper than the actual Uniden website... I just don't have $70, I just spent a...
  5. HTC-JAY805

    BCT-15x (SCPD Rebanding yet again?)

    Hey all I'm sorry if I haven't located the proper place for this but I was just curious about this. I purchased a BCT-15x for my truck to monitor my fd and it's related counter parts and I was told that scpd will be rebanding again (going digital?) and that this scanner may be well will be...
  6. T

    Wi-Fi Interference

    Ok, here's the scoop. 1 channel and 1 channel only on my scanners (155.58) comes in super noisy (Filled with Interference). The problem goes only goes away in 2 situations: A) I turn off my Wi-Fi router/modem a few feet away OR B) I pick up the scanner(s) and lift them a few inches off...