
  1. M

    op25 Alpha Tags

    Hi everyone Sorry if this has been brought up before, Ive searched but everything I've tried has not worked. Ive had boatbod's op25 working quiet well with a rtl-sdr v3, however I have not been able to get the alpha tags working. i have tried changing the file with a text editor and libreoffice...
  2. R

    OP25: Not getting plots on HTTP when running

    Hi- I'm working on getting op25 set up to monitor a couple of local agencies which recently switched over from NBFM to non-trunked P25 Phase I systems. I have 2 RTL-SDR dongles connected to a Raspberry PI to initially capture 2 agency channels. My first step was to get two separate instances...
  3. MTL_Emergencies

    OP25 Upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 and OP25 (Boatbod) crashes

    I upgraded Ubuntu 21.10 LTS to 22.04 LTS (running it on a VM) and now OP25 crashes. I opened the stderr file and found this: Using Python /usr/bin/python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/op25/op25/gr-op25_repeater/apps/./", line 55, in <module> from gnuradio...
  4. C

    OP25 OP25 Windows 10 Basic Setup Guide

    The goal is to create a setup guide with complete exact steps to get OP25 working in Windows. This is a first draft (attached) to be revised based on input from: Current OP25 users Those who've never used OP25 OP25 developers, contributors, and other experts. After revisions, the draft can be...
  5. MTL_Emergencies

    OP25 OP25 start interface

    I'm trying to create a start interface where a user can select systems he wants to monitor on OP25 as an add-on. Basically, the buttons on the interface will launch a command script on the terminal which will start OP25 on the selected system. I designed the interface but now need help to...
  6. P

    Boatbod OP25: patch for talkgroup name display

    Hello all! I bought a Realtek SDR from a couple of years ago and played with it a bit at the time. I don't remember exactly what I tried, but it seemed P25 decoding was still pretty experimental then. Recently, I started playing with it again, using boatbod's version of OP25, and...
  7. E

    Receiving/Decoding Two P25 Channels Simultaneously via RTLSDR and OP25

    I've got OP25 (boatbod) working using an RTLSDR dongle, and the audio sounds great. Is there a way to simultaneously receive/decode more than one channel that falls within the RTL's 2.4MHz of spectrum being sampled? The two channels I'm interested in are not trunked channels. They were...