
  1. J

    DSDPlus Airspy & DSDPlus new user help please

    As a new user getting used to my Christmas present of an RTL-SDR blog V3 I was pleased to be able to set-up and monitor a pub watch 456Mhz frequency using free version of DSDPlus which gives me 95% clear audio using the settings in my screenshot. However, another 453Mhz frequency is of interest...
  2. W2GLD

    DMR CAP+ system causing interference on GMRS 462.7000 MHz in Chelsea area

    Trying to hunt down ongoing interference from some jack-wagon who put a DMR CAP+ system control/rest channel on GMRS frequency 462.7000 MHz in the Chelsea area, near Old US 12 and Main Street... The system is broadcasting site 1.1 with a color code 1, LCN 7 & 8 with no station identification...
  3. iscottybotty

    DSDPlus UK Cap+, FMP24 & DSD+FL HELP!

    Hi all. I’m looking for help with setting up a two frequency Cap+ system in FMP24 & DSDFL. I’m UK. I have searched and searched but can’t follow and are just getting myself in a muddle. Would someone be so kind as to tell me how to input the details in the particular format, where and which...