
  1. V

    Fire Department radio selection

    So as to not hijack an existing thread, posting a new one here. For those just joining the program, see here: VP8000 NXDN confirmed Yeah, I don't see the budget supporting a complete transition all at once, so I'm trying to figure out what might be best to get things implemented, even if it is...
  2. C

    Hey, Could a Staff Assist With aScreenname Change?

    I'm Chloe. I don't know if this is the appropriate area, and this also isn't a scanner question. It's actually a question about the forum: Can an admin staff please edit my screenname from ctrygirlleosprtr, to citygirlleosprtr ? It's literally two letter changes, but I am not good at using...
  3. w2lie

    Seaford FD Dispatch to swap input/output on 1/7/19

    I've been told that Seaford Fire District will be swapping their input/output frequencies to align with the common input/output pairs. Instead of listening to Seaford FD on 458.2875 (which should be an input frequency), you will be able to hear them on 453.2875. I'm not sure why they are...
  4. HWG


    How do I change my password for the Forums login in the center of the page? Every time I complete a password change, it changes the password that is used for the login that is at the top of the and the password for the forums login in the middle of the page does not change...
  5. W

    Brevard County Where Did They GO

    Forgive me all, I guess I haven't stayed up...I know the massive amount of radio traffic coming from the radio tech's of late which I knew something is up. BUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Can someone enlighten this old man please? I would ready appreciate it as I am a security office here in the are and...
  6. P

    We're Moving!...Can feeds be transferred to someone else?

    I will be relocating within the next 90 days. Would be a big shame to see this remote 'destination' community lose it's feed. I am considering some sort of structured transfer of feed (with website) to new provider versus abandonment. Anyone go through this already? Any best-practices...
  7. T

    Nelson County, VA Police & EMS Go Digital

    On 12-10-14 Nelson County EMS and law enforcement changed to digital narrowband radios. Perhaps added an extra channel or two. Does anyone know if this is standard APCO 25 format digital and what the frequencies are? I am hearing what I think are the digital streams, but they aren't decoding...
  8. _jabber_

    Time stamped messages

    Nothing to do with scanning, but has anyone figured out, if in fact there is one to change profile to reflect one's current time zone? Am I the only one ever asked this? UPDATE!! found it just after this post :p For those looking for this info..... Go to your account, control panel, edit...
  9. Z

    High Point, NC - Police Talkgroup Change?!?!

    Anyone have any idea what the new PD talkgroups are for High Point, NC?