
  1. (SOLD) YAESU FT-8800R VHF/UHF FM Transceiver plus USB Programming Cable

    (SOLD) YAESU FT-8800R VHF/UHF FM Transceiver plus USB Programming Cable

    This is a workhorse of a transceiver taken out of production by Yaesu way too soon IMO. My FT-8800R is in great condition in both function and looks. In full disclosure, some of the rubber casing on the original MH-48 hand mic cable has cracked near the connectors but it has not affected...
  2. G

    790 crossband with CDM

    My local Fire department came to me and they are trying to get a cross-band repeater up in a truck so mutual aid can talk to them as cheep as possible. the fire dept uses UHF for fire ground operations and have tk-790 remote head for use in the neighboring county. they want me to hook up a...
  3. brian86

    Setting up Trunked Radio To VHF Simulcast

    Ok first off I know that simulcasting would be simple if we used two mobile radios with accessory ports programmed for such however being a volunteer department we are trying to avoid spending $5,000 on a mobile P25 Phase II Radio. We are a volunteer department that is in the process of...
  4. K

    New Challenge

    Hello all, I have been given an...interesting...challenge to work through. I was recently informed that an agency I am working with will be receiving the new Harris Unity system for the Incident Management Teams. That said, one of our biggest necessities is the ability to deploy portable...