dispatch codes

  1. J

    Motorola quick call II B four digit/number tone decoding

    Hello, I work at a dispatch center and we are stumped trying to figure out how to decode the four digit/number code the motorola 7500 series console uses to create the audible two tone alert for minitor devices. For example one of the codes used to create a two tone alert is A29B, we dont want...
  2. thescannerdude123

    911 Dispatch Terminology

    Listening to my scanner in Chester County and I keep hearing two things in almost all calls and I can't figure out what they mean. Something that sounds like "MickYou" or "Mickey" and a number and also something like "Box 20-05". Does anyone know what either of these mean? I hear them call the...
  3. S

    Anyone archive radio files from Seminole County fl

    I trying to find out if anyone on here records radio signals for the Oviedo and Sanford area? I am looking for any Police and Fire and Rescue Radio files for this date: December 7th, 2011 between the hours 13:00 to 24:00 hours. Please Advise, Shelly