
  1. Sheepdog777

    Traveling Ham Mobile Radio - U.S. Repeaters Common Frequencies (2M & 70Cm Bands Only)

    Hello Fellow Hams and Radio Enthisiasts, BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT (BLUF) LINK: Traveling Ham Mobile Radio: U.S. Ham Repeaters Common Frequencies - Google Drive Did you know that there are approximately 18,793 2M & 70CM Band repeaters in the U.S., which use only 1,303 frequencies? Imagine if you...
  2. D

    Ez Scan and CVS files

    I'm I correct that you can't export your scan list from Ez Scan to excel? I have tried different way to export my scan list to a cvs file but the only items that get put in the cvs file are the heads. Just would like advice on how people incorporate ez Scan into spreadsheets and if it makes...
  3. theaton

    WAV File Manager

    Here is a free Excel spreadsheet that will list, rename, and sort WAV files generated by the BCD436/536HP scanners. It will reorganize the files from the folders of 100 sequential recordings into folders based on System and Department (or Site), and it will add the TG and UID (or Frequency and...