ham license

  1. J

    Scanners in cars in MN & antennas in HOAs

    I've heard that you can have a scanner in your vehicle in Minnesota so long as you have a Ham liscense, any truth to that? A transceiver being ok but a dedicated scanner not seems ridiculous. Also, can an HOA keep you from putting up an antenna if you're a Ham (and can assist in an emergency...
  2. N

    SenhaiX GT-12: Legal Use in Canada for New Amateur Radio Operators?

    Hi everyone, I recently purchased a SenhaiX GT-12 handheld radio from China, and I was wondering if it can be legally used in Canada. I am planning to take the amateur radio operator exam in October and will apply for a call sign afterwards. Do I need to ensure that my radio meets specific...
  3. T

    Amateur Ham Radio License

    Hello Again, I have been thinking about getting an Amateur Ham Radio License for the past little bit. How can I go about getting one in the GTA, how much does it cost, where can I study for the test? Thanks, AP
  4. G

    General Class license software

    I've had my Technician license for almost 20 years, but want to upgrade. I am looking for advice on study software (ARRL, Gordon West, W5YI, others) that have users could recommend. This study method has worked well for me in the past. 73, Gregg, N2UUP
  5. rlocone

    Interested in ham license?

    Hello All! I've been interested with scanners for a number of years. I attempted to take the ham test about 14yrs ago. Never took the actual exam. Lately I've had a renewed interested. There has been a lot of changes over the years. How & What is the best way to get your license today...