milwaukee co trs

  1. Z

    Southridge Mall 39152

    Is Southridge Mall on the trunked system still? I have heard lots of activity on their UHF channel 464.325 such as the guards and mobile units as well as occasional activity from Greendale squad 220. I listened to their talkgroups on the TRS and both were dead silent. Did they go back to their...
  2. Spankymedic7

    PRO-97 and the MKE Co. TRS

    Hi to all, I posted a question with regards to the Milwaukee County TRS and the use of a PRO-97/PRO-2055. Let me see if I can re-word this... Long story short, I re-entered all new re-band frequencies in my PRO-97/PRO-2055. I do hear MOST of the conversations; however, I DO miss some...