minitor 5

  1. N

    Dual Minitor V

    Okay so you have a dual channel minitor v the question problem is when you get back to back alerts on each channel the other channel wont alert. so lets say you have channel one ems and channel two fire the fire pages out on channel two you get the alert then a second later with (red light...
  2. N

    Minitor II to minitor v

    I'm switching to a minitor v from a minitor II. My question is I have 3 tones for the minitor II but when you program the minitor V you only have 2 call tones tone1 and call tone2. So how you go about this?
  3. chrismol1

    Motorola Minitor V

    Hey, I know that some of you out there have Motorolas Minitor V pager I am looking for a user guide/manual for it I have searched google dozens of pages back and can only find the brochure If anyone out there can scan the pages or give me a link to download the user guide/manual it will be...