motorola xts5000 programming

  1. RadioCheckk

    Unable to add Frequencies to XTS5000 800Mhz

    I hit a wall with plugging in certain frequencies into my XTS5000 7/800 mhz radio. I am confused because on one radio, I can add certain frequencies that I can't on 2 other XTS5000s. Yes, they are both 7/800 mhz radios by confirming Model H18UCH9PW7AN. Flashport does seem to be different. The...
  2. firechaser97

    Motorola XTS5000 question

    I have a Motorola XTS5000 7/800 I got a quick question, long story short I have a radio that was programmed to receive only on a 800 P25 trunking system with TX inhibit. I got it back and it worked great, could listen in on our local law enforcement and fire. it was only the main and in the...
  3. D

    XTL/XTS5000 XTS5000 NAS Trunk Scan

    Can someone please post the steps in detail of how to program a XTS5000 to do Non Affiliate Scan (NAS) using the Hidden Talk Group (TG) method on a P25 Trunked System? Nobody posts this anywhere and it's too confusing so i'm reaching out to help myself and others. Thank You!
  4. qc

    XTS 5000 Programing Services on Ebay

    Hi, wanted to ask if anyone has used patriot_digital Motorola Programming service? MOTOROLA PROGRAMMING XTS 3000, 2500, 5000 TRUNKING AND CONV PROGRAMMIN | eBay I was thinking of buying one of the XT5000 he listed XTS 5000 700 / 800Mhz FREE TRUNK PROGRAMMING ALL ACC | eBay there is...
  5. W

    Flash Upgrade in Kansas?

    Good Evening, Is there anywhere in Kansas that offers flash upgrading on a XTS5000? If not, is there anyone that you recommend that could help me with it? I believe I can get the other programming figured out, but may need some help with it along with changing the flashcode.
  6. K

    XTS5000 III XTVA portable base linear amp problem

    I have an XTS5000 type III and an XTVA portable base with 50 watt linear. In theory I should just put the radio in and it will boost the 5 watt radio signal. But it doesn’t work. It’s a brand-new, old stock XTVA that was completely unused (kept in reserve) so there’s nothing wrong with it. But...